Thursday, September 29, 2016

Impossible Place

Impossible Place

The place just between,
my heart and my mind,
and my hand with a pen.

That's an area i find,
has my soul crying,
to no peaceful end.

If i could find,
my place within,
that space and go,
without a merry trace.

Off I'd be outside,
myself and hide within,
aching chest and head.
I beg that impossible place!


Adoration’s Weight and Measure

Adoration’s Weight and Measure

Her scales employ weights,
reserved for her lofty use.
Curios like angel’s eyelash,
and ampules of chartreuse.

A diverse cosmos to measure,
She’s a myriad ambient ways.
She assesses her love using,
sunlight’s reflected moon rays.




Drifting through my internal smoke,
deepest breaths unwilling to choke.
Resident’s ash grey and cinder black,
charcoal steps on unrequited track.

A soot silver doorway scarred to last,
I feel fine white embers melt my glass.
Floating on heat haze wetting my eyes,
old furniture flames ignite my disguise.

Books and pictures scorched in pain,
incendiary halo evaporates the rain.
Rooms in my home so recently ablaze,
blood’s fever leaves my brain braised.

Fire burns everything from within,
starts in hope and isn't altered by sin.
Wallpaper shrivels as matter converts,
hot cremation sands my only desserts.

House of my mind in conflagration,
homeless there with me as causation.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Heartbeats happen as earthquakes,
fumbled fury gasping for a fight.
Knuckles smashed like crater shakes,
face flung like molotov in the night.

Fingers in eyes rolling those cysts,
rib cage depressed in tight room.
Worry rides a tide of teeth and fists
jaw shoved til chin touches the moon.

Breath bleats an abused hurricane,
shards and spittle riding this scene.
Pounds of haze ensorcel the brain,
a voice box rips from wetted scream.

Mouth shivering like a fresh wound,
the skin as a trap with no escape.
Muscles spasm and tightly attuned,
cheek bone on asphalt’s cold scrape.

One being only with body's tired cry,
penalized myself and don't know why.




Growing up I wanted,
to be this and that,
and all of those.

Yet, Life can teach,
some to amplify.

Now all I wish,
is to simply be,
the water you drink.




Every syllable is a tear,
cast into puddles of words.
The winds of my storm,
shriek into crooked lines.
The lines clench lightning,
dazed as blasted verse.
The stanzas sorely burn,
the chambers of my heart.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Leaky Heart

The strong pieces,
     were too heavy,
          to carry this morning.

They lie discarded,
    on my closet floor.

This day starts wet,
     and I've a leaky heart,
          that today abhors adorning.


Monday, September 26, 2016

Romantic Notions

Romantic Notions

Growing up carrying,
grand romantic notions,
which blistered into ire.
Now travel is slowed,
by the muck congealed,
deep in this useless mire.


Big Softies

There are those,
    sometimes labeled,
    as big softies.
Soft like cotton,
    and silken sheet,
    or sweet toffees.
More than likely,
    unknown to you,
    He's a kind hearted,
    sweet tasting,
    tall form of goo.


Clear Beatles

Clear Beatles

Here in the dark,
          are careful creatures,
                crawling from clay.
Small and slippery,
          across these temples,
               so unwilling to stay.
These clear beads,
          these gliding beatles,
               they will melt away.




This lack of any tangible input,
has grown outward so gradually.
Time carries smiles holding tears,
unnoticed construction during years.

Soul fell then, but landing just now,
saw the brick and still lost balance.
Walked strongly but I did not expect,
experience to label my heart derelict.

Laid there prone watching ages ago,
intangible things crafting this space.
No angle offers a trusted direction,
echoes repeat my mature dejection.

Encased by bricks placed so deftly,
mortar spun with my heart’s drops.
A dark architect drew mind’s home,
this quiet, stale, cracked, solid alone.


Sunday, September 25, 2016


Her stormy moments,
She wants to share.
He soars too low,
to hear those whispers.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Forest for Trees - Sonnet

Forest for Trees - Sonnet

The peace for some souls inhabits repose,
The space between the trees in wooded park.
Each breath as freshening as the moist rose.
Sloughing debris and carries no hallmark.

The veins in leaves emptied of all their life,
A mind let's go tethers which tie and bind.
Days like leaves must fall away in a sky.
The roots will stay waiting a turn of time.

Serene suspense of ice in winter freeze,
The quiet deepens under fragile snow.
Eventually comes renewals breeze,
Singing again sweet tones for leaves to grow.

Newborn leaves unfurl in ways as before,
Will they learn from the past on forest’s floor?




“Oh, ... you burn…” her lips,
kissing his mouth.
“With you ... as fuel,” his lips,
pressed on hers.
“We’ll consume ... worlds.”




“Do you want me?”  her eyes,
swayed with starlight.
“Again…” begged his,
deeply delirious heart.
Her lips slid close,
carried on carnal eyes.
“Do you want me?”  her breath,
from heat’s tender garden.
He knew then, that his heart,
would survive, “Yes…”


Friday, September 23, 2016



The words I require,
are too far to walk.
My soul's account,
I find overdrawn.
Looks like I'll rest,
here on my shore.
Or, I might earn,
just enough,
sweeping up
my floor.


fall - haiku

fall - haiku

falling mosaics,
life’s honey rusted summer
leaving summer hopes


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Smiling Poet

Smiling Poet

The smile the reader,
may imagine they find,
often on a poet's face.

Invokes a child’s giggle,
all the seasons entwined,
or a sultry steaming place.

A grin that just may be,
the poet’s masqueraded mind,
gagged with sodden lace.




Imbued with stalwart emotion,
host to this hampering curse.
Thoughts prey to its commotion,
cursed value overflows coin purse.

Many a grace in this malediction,
exposure to very pleasant forays.
Broad smiles of contradiction,
Curse and heart concur, each stays.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016



Unseen force with Life’s hard grip,
dragging him through dusty sands.
The path behind choked by hope,
no fight or will tighten torn hands.

Plowed debris churns against him,
piled long before the current course.
Limp and yielding each grain burns,
ferocious vocal challenge is hoarse.

Dragged over loose mummified earth,
suffered thorns, stones, creature things.
Each defilement an old friend of scorn,
punished as he was finding his wings.

Soar supported by romantic formation,
constant view of paradise mountains.
Write and increase life's lovely offering,
water to lips from Smile’s own fountains.

Caress petals and moist kiss in flower,
with curves, hollows, valleys and peaks.
Eyes bright alight and licking the sight,
reside in the joy that high wonder seeks.

Too much mummified sand in the way,
crusts of despair clogging all his senses.
His will gathers another helping of him,
It needs to climb Desire To Live’s fences.

He knows the pulling will be finalized,
sometime along this path’s persistence.
Not disrespectful enough to the gardens,
he will engage a tiny strong resilience.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016



I’ve a blade astir in my brain,
twirling among my grayness.
Pathway cleaved through my neck,
so intense it’s nearly painless.

Barging entry into my shoulders,
banging deflection from bone to bone.
Slicing clamor of echoes in ribcage,
Blade’s blunt legacy in heart’s home.


Noise - haiku

those who must have noise,
may find silence revealing.
peace highlights your mind.



I just read it again,
     that list I must keep.
The one that explains,
     what's roiling my deep.

I found an eraser mark,
     in that place you scribbled.
Oh, I see, it really was you,
     my heart’s edges have been nibbled.


Monday, September 19, 2016


Some women he’s greeted,
     and delighted to know,
          Have a wild that’s softly heated.
Grace and care they bestow.

She is comfort that cajoles,
     smiles and sun in albums,
          the mazy sensuality of souls,
This Feminine amalgam.



Oh, how I'd love,
     to take that,
     Jade paperweight,
     holding darkness’ frown.
Cut, shape and polish,
     warm it up,
     pull into ribbon,
     and spin her a most,
Delightful gown.


Sunday, September 18, 2016



The preeminent thought,
     regarding the grandeur,
Of nearby dynamic places.

Thoughts I’ve not considered,
     since I’m confident  my trace,
Might be tracked to open spaces.




Sleep painting my skull,
     you’ve scrubbed it clean.
Kisses ending our lull,
     tongues lapping cuisine.

Constricted within sheets,
     rumbled whispering Yeses.
Ambient movement heats,
     repose in delirium’s messes.


Saturday, September 17, 2016


Curtain me under your silken hair.
Nights Glitter jewels in your eyes.
Pearls giggle glint of your smile.
That hot spice honey golden skin.

You’re a treasure of lovely,
Any more wealth to show me?


The Road

The Road

The meandering miles are piled up,
blacktop is dense and more scarred.
Halt as truthful witness for the moon,
the luminary signing Midnight’s card.

Burden adheres using familiar grip,
shrug shoulders to let carrying cease.
Settle it on roadside’s dusty spirit,
stand up with joints popping release.

Inhale the night’s true vintage at last,
enervation expands thought and cells.
One with the vista freckled with silver,
able to travel the curves and parallels.

A burden abandoned along the road,
dropped and forgotten not as pollution.
Carved from a life told to be guilty,
left alone easily by honest resolution.




Going to break all these bones,
jumped in my deepest trench.
Inner seeping blackness groans,
torso’s heaves, takes in the stench.

Dragged on sharpness, sliding down,
flayed scalp wearing plight’s face.
Crevasse wind is death’s own sound,
claw marks on walls, a previous trace.

Black ragged glistening is not water,
shed during each past self slaughter.
Stone fists collude with my velocity,
can’t bleed enough for self atrocity.


Too Long

Too Long

Choking upon waking
   breaking dawn’s making
          taking in negativity
   Falling stabs of destiny
       giving almost nothing
Burning all my clothing
          Dying backwards and living
    Floating fluids are stinging
               ripping screams dripping
            Bleeding throat gripping
   sounding depths darkening
                      far too long With No Longing


Friday, September 16, 2016

Pocket Watch

Pocket Watch

A fine old pocket watch,
built with focused regard.
Devised in makers minds,
with affinity to safeguard.
The keepsake in each second,
placed in our cabinet of hours.
Hold firm during daily travel,
Sun and wind or cloudy showers.
Wind up with practiced turns,
lend your energy to usefulness.
Rely within its smooth tension,
defined details are scrupulous.

A watch stops as tension goes astray,
life marks the time and wanders away.


Altered Station

Altered Station

Sometimes I find my location,
pooling out of Time’s vein.
Same train enters altered station,
each stop almost the same.

Comfort glides in my senses,
all evidence proves I’m right.
Reality carries different tenses,
next to me The One highlight.

I ride this train like all the others,
blending every day into bland.
This time keeps careful wonders,
on this train your holding my hand.




Rising sun silhouettes,
The City.
The details are one color,
keeping out any blunder.
I can’t see inside the rising,
You seeing this? I wonder.




Being happy.
A Love to restructure our worlds.
Imagine being again.
Let’s imagine.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

The haze

The Haze

Reading and rethinking,
     words, the shapes and sounds.
Getting lost and not blinking,
     prance in bleeding ups and downs.

Make an abstract existent frown,
     turn daily grace into sullen foam.
Breathe in haze and put it all down,
     find a words cousin and let it roam




This fenced in yard,
is open for a visit.
All gates are unlocked,
and the grounds look clean.

Shrubs can be found,
worn benches for rest.
A pond caring for koi,
Bright blooms and grand tree.

You may find all this,
In day or, if daring, night.
I think the day is best,
It’s horrid without the light.



I wish no,
Too late I fear.
I have missed my chance,
To understand you.


Crosswalks and Flames

Crosswalks and Flames

Crosswalks, dashed and solid lines.
Warnings scare in lights and signs.
Decision limits and legal constraint.
Stolid dictates decorate a saint.

Petrol escapes the pressure gauge.
Torrent pours into potential’s place.
Wrench the keys, bring flames to fuel.
Acceleration races and passions duel.




She is asleep
and cuddling the sheets.
I hope her dreams
think they are me.


Weight and Light

Weight and Light

A soul of depth,
feels every weight.
Units of measure,
are worries and pain.

A soul of depth,
knows smiles and light.
In Depth’s darkness,
are precious sights.




Dreamscapes are,
Hers to wander.
Her smile so soft,
with tender slumber,
and I cannot sleep.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Fellow

The Fellow

Ocean’s dipped brush tints the shore,
salted breeze freshens morning spice.
Steps depress this temporary floor,
pleasantly held in solitude’s vice.

Another strays away onto this beach,
comfort on his driftwood recliner.
I make space and not his impeach,
his aspect is a ragged, poor designer.

My eyes I often offer to other souls,
his arrest mine and make no restraint.
Child like, I recall bridges and trolls,
his smile is healthy in grime’s paint.

“Traveler,  how are ye?”, he offers,
I stumble with, “Well Sir, and Ye?”
Expecting a request from my coffers,
instead, “Ah yes. I’m fine. Look. See.”

His hand from a dank pocket comes,
shimmering coinage of olden gold.
Harried eyes expose my judged sums,
mirth echoes, “Have a seat.” I'm told.

I smile, wanting to do no other thing,
tossing away my upward demeanor.
Beside him trepidations take to wing,
this ragged man is no simple gleaner.

We look upon the other with custom,
hands equality held within respect.
“I’ve a plan?” he says and I trust him,
he grins brightly and carries no jest.

“Plan?” I repeat. His hands in a satchel,
his worked palms bring out a journal.
I inspect the object, loathe to prattle,
its quality and wisdom seem eternal.

“You accept this.” He smiles upon me,
curious I hold his unusual present.
These bound pages heavy in density,
I resist his gift with polite dissent.

He smiles again and I make it mine,
“What in return shall you deem fair?”
“OH, naught a wish.” His eyes shine,
“I simply reward you for your care.”

I smile and move to open the pages,
his hand swiftly and gently denies.
“Take heed. It's as old as the sages.”
Soothingly I act as the fellow implies.

Words alight and drift then repose,
phrases heavy with abstracts of life.
Poetry’s variety and vibrant prose,
find existence from rapture to strife.

Resplendent emotion, cover to cover,
I looked up and he was moving away.
I called out with a need to discover,
What he had done to me and to repay.

I heard his voice beyond my new ears,
“Life is words in amazing arrangement.
Write them down through all your years.
A warning though, they offer estrangement.”


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Smiles - Haiku

Smiles – Haiku

Ugly is in me,
Covered by so many these smiles
Need to keep smiling


Edge - Haiku

canyon’s edge smiles wide.
its hunger barely sated.
again, I just look.


Love is

Love Is...

Love is,
The Universe with
A coy grin and
a subtle wink,
“I dare You.”




Veins emptied and tied,
     used against him as a gag.
Bones hollow and dried,
     all useless like what he had.

Blood reduced into a salve,
     trinkets are hung from eyes.
Emptied, dried out and sag,
     whole thing stuffed with rice.

A cairn demarks entry door,
     steins pressed from used bone.
Seats open on couch and a floor,
     discuss him stuffed on his throne.


Monday, September 12, 2016

Mesa Home

Mesa Home

High atop southwestern mesa,
     trails of silence barter chance.
Sky painted on fired clay vessel,
     shadows fight, make up, dance.

Incense wrapped in Time’s feathers,
     sage cinders pursue stars at play.
Describing places old gods recline,
     circular breath reshapes my clay.

Galaxy divides clusters left to right,
     either side can unravel this night.
Destiny written with charred wood,
     on that, my place, I wish I stood.




This happy face,
is held with Velcro.
It's done rather well,
I doubt you'd know.

If it slips, please,
show some heart,
and gently press down
the loosened part.




It all works best,
when strung up by,
hooks and wires.
If taught and twitching,
the flow is less fickle.
Viscous deep drips,
emotion’s wrung trickle.
Parched paper sips.


Sunday, September 11, 2016



I am fine. Yeah, I’m good.
No worries, I’m okay.
Let four letter words,
have their way.
Well, f@#k that s%&t!!
If I may.


Little Else

Little Else

Glad that a heart,
pumps life’s blood.
Seems needed for,
little else.


Deviant Math

Deviant Math

Dragon’s scales tint her lips,
foolish beast relied on quips.
Fetid revenants litter her path,
miscalculating her deviant math.

Smile roasted in nutmeg morning,
candy ocean eyes belie warning.
Martyrs howl her veracity,
avarice dents preys’ sagacity.

Midnight breathes with shivered heat,
desires embolden passion’s conceit.
Blind and willing within her game,
gasping in loss to sacrificed shame.

Moments tremble as time suspends,
masterpiece chiseled with no amends.
His focus of being reduced to her one,
she’s gone next morn, feasting done.


Saturday, September 10, 2016



She strolled up from the surf,
gems of the sea slid away.
I could hear each drop cry,
obvious desire to stay.

Approach in silhouette,
she tickles a giggling sky.
Her edge dusted by fairies,
she's in my blood flying high.


Shimmer - Haiku

Shimmer – Haiku

these beads of your sweat,
in constellation with mine.
we shimmer all night.




He understands his clean,
within the knowledge,
of where he is dirty.




Caressed with gentle vision,
he dove deep into her shade.
Illumined, he saw a spectrum,
found her hues so betrayed.

Ashen lavender of sorrow,
spilled saffron in dreams.
Hindered turquoise adventures,
torn rose of fervent screams.

More than this he gathered,
he brushed her soul with art.
His heart’s strong, willing palette,
blending colors with a fresh start.

Amethyst gleam of dawn’s bliss,
marigold silk in unfolding day.
Shamrock pathways and butterflies,
     Sun’s ruby fire smolders away.


Friday, September 9, 2016



Discovered on a iced early morning,
Cold and quiet no warmth adorning.
His face a frame of an empty vessel,
Officials ask and mentally wrestle.
His possessions inspected, and cleared,
His husk analyzed and details are weird.
No signature of violence nor accident,
More officials, with answers inadequate.
Puzzled and bothered with this case,
Authorities eventually exit this maze.
No answers offer a comfortable rest,
They all investigated, even the best.

The officials quit and could never know,
His heart slayed him when it knew she’d go.




Her beauty,
consumes words.
No verse will,
compare her.
Docile at her feet,
like rose petals.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Oasis - Haiku

desert and heat haze,
besiege my lone oasis.
tears give this place life.




This cage that contains me,
Flaunts its resilience easily.
Breaks and rusted lesions,
Gory guilt of self treasons.
Inside I’m a broken frame,
Hurtling into harm’s shame.
Feet share with cracking knees,
Resemblance of hollow trees.
Ribcage merely ornamental,
Protecting what’s incidental.
Shoulders broad from a past,
Present’s waste intends to last.

Agony drags out stolid tears,
Cage’s structural shape clears.
A sort of freedom bears fruit,
Can’t rely on its rancid root.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016



I am just a tool.
It's how you,
use me,
that dictates what,
gets fixed or broken.


This truth

This Truth

He knew it was truth,
the feeling was there.
A strength of being,
that keeps one fair.

Curt gentle sound,
total posture’s ease.
Visual cues abound,
turning credence’s keys

The honesty offers no relief,
the pit is all about its grief.


No Words

No Words

He said “I just have,
no words.”
She had read his poems.
Her heart began to sing.
Then she knew he,
would write,


Sinkholes and Rockets

Sinkholes and Rockets

These sinkholes and rockets,
     dent my disturbed ground.
Leave less land to wander,
     puts peace into impound.

Ricocheting and reckless,
     Battered, with no breath.
Fiery fuel all exhausted,
    descent, not much death.

Found no guide for above,
     misplaced a map from below.
Always travel with one bag,
     buried and bound not to grow.




Pour tough endurance,
onto each ancient coal.
Crush, grind and douse,
bleak warmth in the soul.

Choking fails in such fair air,
heat will not accept its demise.
Will is too joyful to impair care,
the vitality is empowered to rise.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

On Guard

On Guard

Every little merriment
All the splendid days
Guard my parapet
from harmful waves

a time when this fort
Might be my last stand
Resist to smile brightly
Step out, release a hand

Some dealt with worse
Others who carry more
I walk these hallways
One key to one door

There are times to relive
Memories within scope
Days ahead have weight
Measured out in hope.


Untitled 5 word story from instagram challenge

           Wonderment’s radiance,
                                    heralds every kid.


Monday, September 5, 2016



Her dreaming sleep,
Tousled her hair,
And shifted her slip.

Entranced, I smiled,
As she freed a giggle,
When I kissed her lips.




You’ll ride on a crest too high,
     then left rocketing deep below.
Applying for exotic answers,
     to questions you’ll never know.

Made sightless far from home,
     hunger’s saliva reddens eyes.
Aware of how a soul will fall,
     reveals the hunters in fairy guise.

Look at the raindrop shivering,
     when moments dissolve in spray.
Dreams hopeful for beginners,
     keep their weapons stashed away.

Sightseeing on a sacred ground,
     carrying no regard for inhibition.
Standing in reserve on front lines,
     a personal tapestry must be written.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Ragged and Hollow

Ragged and Hollow

Footsteps resound so alone,
     under the Moon’s bright night.
Highway asphalt retains,
     The day’s burning might.

Electric sparks under foot,
     worn boots and blacktop war.
Beneath this sorrow’s grim dark,
     he reads her words once more.

Stillness with the precious paper,
     Ink runs with tear’s imprints.
His chest beats ragged and hollow,
     just another heart with her fingerprints.


Winter Warmth - haiku

Winter Warmth – Haiku

frigid is winter
so the heart’s burn increases
to warm those we love


Upside-down - haiku

upside-down - haiku

my minds upside-down
perspective does not feel strange
right-side up is what?


Calm Before - Haiku

Calm Before  - Haiku

storm blowing our way
rain and wind with broken limbs
this calm will be ours


Saturday, September 3, 2016



Her wise eyes shine and decorate our world,
Gifting halos of glitter from purest pearl.
Merriment in life’s many plays and stages,
Her rainbows aloft as winds toss torn pages.
Darkness shadowed by her angelic wings,
Behold her wisdom bound by frayed strings.
Knights of legend stride mostly inside fables,
Many try strutting within their false labels.
This Woman knows all this, it makes the world,
So She is determined to shine like pearls.


I See

I See

On a lazy drive,
You see gatherings of trees,
     and wonder what they say.
You smile at the sunset,
     and it winks back.
I watch you in your peace,
     and it adds to you.
All of this,
     in the rear view,
     are only my eyes.


Friday, September 2, 2016



Amazes me to hear her,
     She’s is my symphony,
Not sure how she can even,
    endure my cacophony.




She is a treasure.
Those who cannot see,
     are poor in,
     all things.




The ache of hunger in my pit
Spasms cringe muscles in a fit
Careful not to leave a welt
Seeking one to be keenly felt
It needs to be the overshadow
Singular so to reshape the flow
Constancy and a persistence
Unwavering in resistance
Positioned in the rightful place
The other pains keep steady pace


White Out

White Out

The White Out hazes everything,
no where to look, nothing there.
Straight lines with endless circling,
direction is the traveler’s dare.

Thus, the white out’s my favorite,
a storm that gives nothing away.
Just white knuckles can face it,
and everything is white, not gray.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pulse - Haiku

Pulse – Haiku

New York City breathes
commuters pulse in its veins
tomorrow inhales




Dreams are my accomplice.
We both rip off reality.
We take only what we want.


Can't Breath

Can’t Breath

The slick he peers through,
   is the barrier he cannot pass.
He needs air,
   but the surface is too far.


Words and Words

Words and Words

Words grab me,
Shake my shoulder.
They push the pillow,
From under me.
Aggravated shapes,
Reform over and over.
Pulling the lids,
From my eyes.
Sparking energy,
Draining sleeps gauge.
Hands raise fingers,
And do as commanded.
Morning giggles,
And I write.




The gusts of my thoughts
Spin my wind mill too quick.
Emotions called to the surface,
Overflow the trough.
I am too saturated,
To absorb much more.