Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Night City's Ocean - sonnet

The Night City's Ocean - sonnet

The night so lulls the day with her dark breath,
her kiss ensorcelling her new moon tryst.
Her void above the world endears such depth,
few stars dare shine beyond city's bright mist.

Between deep night and darkened seas reside,
grand nightlights so directing city's ways.
The gently strung suns and full moon pole guides,
leave gifts for the sea's parched shimmering waves.

The pendulum of ocean's soft romance,
shines bright small glitters up into the night.
The ocean twirls in city's cosmic dance,
lithe little skirts flash silver in delight.

All three, the night, city and sea the same,
humanity seems unlikely to tame.


#14wordstory oblivion

Oblivion's gentle singing
of serenity,
offers dreamland forgetfulness.
Within those borders crawls,
uninspiring emptiness.



Wistful goodbye weather,
rains dark desolation,
upon Hello’s sunny forever.


Cracked - Haiku

cracked - haiku

ringing once then cracked
like freedom's delicate shell
feigned liberty bells


#watchgeek #haiku

#parch #precarious #haiku

Santa Ornament

Santa Ornament

Bright Little face so focused,
tongue tightened with teeth.
Placing a Santa ornament,
trying to hang it so neat.

Branch tickles little fingers,
with dangled figure delight.
Smiling lit up stary eyes,
a tree's magic comes alive.

Ornaments smile in view,
of laughs with kindred love.
The colors in happy crystals,
grin with tinsel silver fluff.

Light string twinkle kisses,
blow tickles across the room.
Tree's boughs hug them all,
in season's freshened bloom.

Child's eye caught surprise,
by wide smiling Santa's face.
Finger to lips hushing quiet,
child and Santa's smiles embrace.



#loveletter @lecosymittens



Volatile vacuum vacates,
vulgar vagaries victoriously.
Venal vestiges vetting,
vile volunteers violently.
Verifying veracity vowing,
volcanic vandalized vehemence.
Vacated victims vanquished,
vulgarly voided vim vitalities.
Victor vociferously voices,
verdict's validity voluminously.


#limerence @thangbalay

Luscious - redo


As her own blanket,
he offers his soul.
So safe and candid,
she cuddles to hold.

He breathes comfort,
in her calm breath.
Cradled sleepy covers,
strong spirits caress.

Eyes open on dreams,
joy of seeing her sleep.
She's desire’s spring,
in crisp winter's peace.

Safety’s fond promise,
he's midnight’s guard.
Keeps morning honest,
and bows to her heart.

Sun's fresh air grows,
twirling on her lustrous.
Touch kisses her brow,
She's stretches luscious.

In her eyes fastened,
He's her stronger form.
Dawn's bloom of passion,
With the other adorned.


Joyful Seasons @herheartpoetry secretigsanta

#shutter #tether #paradox #haiku

The Horizon and You

The Horizon and You

A new untrod surface to walk on,
and you'll carve your own way.
The branches will lead you to the shore,
where waves will paint new leaves from foam.
The Sun's shine in waters will nourish new growth,
so the gulls overhead call a new dawning way.
The clouds bring you up and wrap blankets over your mind,
to unfurl when the Sun's roots take hold.
It's where trees grow strong in the ocean's sand,
this place is the horizon and you holding hands.


Honest Answer

Honest Answer - sonnet

Will this be wise, I ponder and debate,
begin creation of a brave new place.
A new locale I deftly recreate,
replacing a cobweb enlaced old space.

The rarest goods lend strength to slats and joists,
like peelings from the poor cast of my eyes,
some syllables torn free from words unvoiced,
and lustre from kisses I've never tried.

This new residence for healing seems fine,
it's peace and quiet with no squeak of floor.
The window's view offers only my mind,
and the question why must I suffer more.

The honest answer is as cold as me,
I'll suffer only if I fail to see.


Let's Run

Let's Run

Let's run with dirt licking strides,
taking dried spittle as our tithe.
We'll pay the Sun frying the earth,
keeping gift receipts for cloudbursts.

Let's run sprints on branch pathways,
polished slick by cloud ateliers.
Pass tree crossroads and turn around,
downhill past cursed roundabouts.

Let's run past much faster this time,
hurdle the grasping concrete vines.
Dervish footfalls are spin enthralled,
this speed burns off our old default.

Let's run some more some yonder day,
mayhap we'll find a younger place.
Now let's taste the dust we've raised,
turn our watches to the time we crave.


Big Blue Prose are you? I know sometimes when I'm sloshing and plodding in my harbor of woe, I only want my own sail overhead high above. I look into those rising, and receding heights of waves, and only want the ones that leave to tug me away. I know then that they will, in their own time, place my being back into one of those lifted, cresting waves.
     If You follow those tides, You will see those blurry blued depths and there see a brilliant lazy loafing fish. Its eyes as yellow as the Sun warming the darling waters.   Understand, in those depths, Your depths, there is buoyant vibrancy. It only waits for Your patience again. Partner Your perseverance with the tiny hands that reach out from the corals, as you clasp them, and caress their pink parachute fingers. Your visions of the world You carry, Your world, they will watch as they sensate in Your touch. 
     Will You hear the Dolphins?
Experience tells me, that's up to them.  You know how crafty, and wise they seem,  especially when saying Your first hello. Their slippery smiles will widen Your spirit and lift Your senses like children's balloons.
     Then, not wanting to notice, and never accept, You will have surfaced.  Silver blue melted sheets will slake the ocean’s thirst of You, as they make You,  into You again. The creatures belong below, and they make their way.
     You, however, can visit and wet Your mind, or remain.  If the choice be a visit, divide yourself.  Your division may dive down, twist in that hovered blue dimension and become one of those who think they know,  “It’s much better down there.”

#sedoka @herheartpoetry

#craving #forgiveness #bound #haiku

Little Flower

Little Flower

Dainty smiles with hopping gait,
and giggling eyes whoop surprise,
when winged rainbow tickles a nose,
as eyes cross and eyebrows rise.

The fairy winged vibrant fantasy,
lands lolling on her flower's face,
as a child delights in gentle touch,
and wings woven iridescent lace.

Butterfly's tiny black pearly eyes,
see red petal soft ruddy cheeks,
and freckled nutmeg pollen flakes.
Eyes gleam as the nectar she seeks.

Child's gleeful sugar drop sight,
alights on curious curled tongue,
unspooling in soft tasting tickles.
A butterfly kiss for the young.

Breeze fingers toss the child's hair,
butterfly glitters off with its fill,
of sweets of youth and salts of life.
Little Flower becalmed within thrill.


No Place

No Place

I may unearth a place,
rich with unspent grace,
not revealed by shadow,
but by a sun left fallow.

Trekking foreign lucid lands,
earned many smoldering brands.
Incised emblems on my heart,
are translations I won't impart.

The gracious language of that place,
locked unlearned under my face.
To shadow’s will, I will concede,
despite sun's, richness of deed.




Strained able arms are stressing,
against trembled tingle pressing.
Moist palms grasping small slides,
of endless little bloody glides.
Hand's wet paper flapping wounds,
are petals with crimson blooms.
Punishing pain lapps up vigor,
turning off brain's lithe trigger.

Thoughts gasp beneath a weight,
from old emotion's bleak state,
and shackled so deeply away,
to be ignored as less than prey.
Attacked after bound and blind,
as vile beasts feast in the mind,
on crude food left for survival,
after devouring the slack rival.

Muscle strands split and sprung,
as tendons snap frayed unstrung.
Anxious heels dig and scratching,
with no frantic purchase catching.
Slick gored hold suddenly slips,
unfrictioned by reddened drips,
Fall in a beat down untold feet,
as staccato echo screams repeat.

Lost wide eyes of bulging fears,
that terrified runaway tears,
burn dry down this solo plummet,
to splendor’s opposite summit.
Lungs ooze a bubbled howling,
as lips grind wall’s rough scowling.
Despair's cacophonic sound,
ricochets forever with no ground.


Somebody Told Me

Somebody Told Me ...

Somebody told me, and warned me,
“Never turn your back to an ocean.”
The shore soothes with pretend peace,
that waters wash in artless motion.

Its waves kiss from a distant surge,
then wet lips frown in sad recoil.
Gifts pushed into hands at high tide,
can be deep secrets from the soil.

Chests of memory may be drowned,
or floated far off to secluded stay.
Hold hands with oblivion's domain,
or embrace smiling surface of day.

When I am before the ocean's waves,
the pulsing is the flood in my heart.
Freshening old thoughts that return,
mixed with wisdom's emotional part.

I focus on the billowing motion,
careful to sense the rhythm below.
Prepared to drift on calm sunlit tides,
or stand strong in ocean's deep flow.


Collab @_beautiful_magic_


#gift#haiku @bymepoetry

Collab Charlie Brown Writes

#forever #18wordstory

#romance #18word story

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Win

The Win

Stale yellow fumed long cones of light,
bare down upon untitled fight.
Bruisers bake under grease pencil bets,
weight class pummels out all regrets.

Bell dings and brings them to ring’s apron,
team's chief shaking eyes of closest patron.
Cold towel wrung red in icy bowl,
laps at their blood playing its role.

One fighter wears split apple sized eye,
the other sweats a win in by and by.
They arise panting and ref's hand  stops,
old blood brown stains see fresh red drops.

Ref's hand up and bell brands the ears,
one bruiser turns pugilist jabbing spears.
An unplanned right hook shakes a jaw,
unswollen face slackens and eyes thaw.

Closest patron rages at turned event,
winnings foiled and underworld deal rent.
Arms high and his bloody smile a smite,
one eyed pugilist wins his final fight.


Image prompt @rational.madness

Their shackled minds,
traditional and new,
carve despicable trenches,
between me and you.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Go, please

Go, please

I hope you venture outside,
find that more upon the shore.
Now's weather call is welcoming,
yet later's rain will weep some more.

There are waves to pulse to,
and all the world's debris to see.
Little surprises will contrast in you,
with the sadness you still want to be.

Open up the Sun's fall breeze,
let it embrace your heart's hand.
Senses warm with reality's release,
so go, Melissa, smile upon your land.


Abstractly, A Sliver of Me

Abstractly, A Sliver of Me

A soliloquy whispering among friends,
crumbling snow drift defying summer skies.
High desert sleepwalker tucked in tight,
Metropolis novice of half naked eyes.

Trails of far off forest hugged silence,
Morning smoke campfire coffee's brisk sip.
Falling down the cliff of poetry's trials,
Detachment's poison stings a hearty quip.


Solace and Vibe