Monday, November 28, 2016

Sea's Night Waves

Sea's Night Waves

Look upon the sea's night waves,
reflecting the charms we look for.
Mindful of the world we interpret,
from the beauty of this foaming shore.

See all of it and be overwhelmed,
or find that one strong glimmer.
Blow to it your lost lover's kiss,
as notes of nostalgia ebb dimmer.

We express that which breaks us,
as sea's waves mend rather than rust.


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Unseen Layer

Unseen Layer

Cannonball steps batter the walls,
trees tremble hailing debris down.
Stones smashed dust fills the pitfalls,
halocline hall fills sky to ground.

Focus disentangles diurnal vine,
mute hike as opulent purveyor.
Indrawn sun sets silver cloud's shine,
restless to remain in unseen layer.




The destruction of a devoted heart,
sends pain wave tremors spiraling.
A sharpened mist grinds every part,
unanswered questions start rioting.

Blasted debris spears everywhere,
stabbing deep what was finely right,
gores holes through thoughts of care,
slashes blood into the eyes of light.

Wounds press bleakness into a soul,
joyous days bleed maligned drops.
Bandages wrung red in rusted bowl.
Healing and solace seem flimsy props.

The ruptured displacing torn sprains,
quietly cure under tincture of tears.
A reviving heart wearily sustains,
ruined grins until the tempest clears.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Her Heart Poetry writing prompt

She's fashioned from elysian birds,
tranquil spirit of alluring lore.
She stands poised and flows upwards,
Zephyr kissing Her wings to explore.

Her myriad wings She flies as one,
soaring high above a wistful dawn.
Her wisdoms drift under warming Sun,
sweetly listen before She's withdrawn.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Bottle of Love / 18 word story / 9 words twice

Tryptophan Verse

Tryptophan Verse

Home steeps in aromas of autumn,
ambrosial quilt assures snug oven love.
Sweater helping day's gray cast soften,
each room held tender in family's glove.

Butter’s warm silk drawn in detailed seams,
in stuffing’s livened soft celery crunch,
on potatoes pondering gravy dreams,
and cavorts with corn of sweet Sun's hunch.

Turkey stoically settles before all,
succulent portions on paraded feast.
Juices, eggnog and dram of alcohol,
becalmed by yearly festival’s release.

-Happy Thanksgiving-

Teresa's Brick Oven Pizza & Cafe / organized Chaos

Teresa's Brick Oven Pizza & Cafe

Sidewalk highway rush on 51st,
same before me, similar after.
Lunch jam traffic braking is terse,
allowed time is attitude’s drafter.

Up to counter and catch some eyes,
“Who's next?!”, in quick nodding looks.
Wisdom marks the first without lines,
new order onto these knowing cooks.

“Next!”, hot slice needs little patience,
race to office with minor time loss.
Tomorrow’s drone, a similar cadence,
practiced prancing of organized chaos.


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Feather Fall

Feather Fall

Lust and lusciousness.
That smile slakes my edge.
Wild eyes whet my blade.
We feather fall over ledge.




Open smiles on eyes during day,
closed hardened heart the next night.
Laughs lead passion in unfair play,
basking in dark and braying at light.


Friday, November 18, 2016

8 word love letter @herheartpoetry

Anywhere We awake,
there'll be smiles,
for breakfast.


Touch of Sunlight

Touch of Sunlight

Have You kissed Her touch of sunlight,
redolent within beautiful trees.
The sweetness of delicate promises,
from delicious unripened berries.

She's brightness smiling under cover,
snuggle close and giggle with her lover.
Asleep under his red leaves and brambles,
She'll love his and plan her own scandals.

Time grinds away with Its overworking gears,
Her moments blossom enriching our years.
In icy sparkling frozen water’s song,
Spring’s touch of sunlight will sing along.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Unkept

The Unkept

Blasted stones hold burden’s crown
stoically stained by vile trappings
Mortar hardened by sorrow’s sap
Fingers scream in window tappings

Their eyes wet from widened fissures
decrepit humors blamed into drains
Sallow old scenes wrapped roof to floor
The Unkept limping in sordid shames

Laughter slung into dark corners
sobbing silence pushes the clocks
Wandering the standing still crowd
drag old bagged bones to the docks

Unhomely space left no true trace
its doors stoutly withstood scrutiny
Thoughts slain by nerve cutting pain
unfit for planned unheld mutiny

Victims scattered among our grasses
persons emptied by dark deed’s lashes

Feared and misused poor beings erased
true science shines above the debased


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

w's - haiku

w’s - haiku

wild wonders we weave
writing wicked winding words
writers weigh world's ways




Fog blossoms seep from soil.
Mist dust shrouds the eyes.
Morning river’s smug slate oil.
Dank air is heedless to cries.

City air pushing buildings apart,
making more room for its weight.
Wetted scenes a gallery of art,
lights off and locked beyond gate.

Steps I take tap my median way.
Anchored fast from cranial cavity.
Head bowed by this diffused day.
My will groans wearing my gravity.


My Plague

My Plague

Should I ever sever this,
outside of my deep sleep?
Am I worthy of this risk,
traversing unclean dreams?

Calm comforts make my quiets,
precious ease signs my pardons.
Reclining on the gentle climates,
in My Plague of partial seasons.

Want tempest twister’s high heat,
rains spill steam over my drainage.
Winds tumble down desire’s dreams,
debris regrets words my pain says.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Cemetery Secrets

Cemetery Secrets

She's safe under a tender night,
Her cemetery secrets aground.
Cuddles alone in Moon’s sight,
on cold grass Her rest is sound.

Sleep for Her is temporal,
its fond love of Her unique.
Dreaming smile is ephemeral,
Her Love cuddles in Death’s sheets.

His love and caring happy ways,
paled Her shadow with His Sun.
She never marked down their days,
no tally needed for They had won.

Smiles woven in Their burdens,
Knowing each held up Their world.
His Sun set by partisan curtains,
burned by nations’ flags unfurled.

Her cold days altered into nights,
dreams dawn His love warmed Sun.
Her sleeping heart in smiling heights,
curled on the grass of Her Loved One.


Friday, November 11, 2016



Let the worn needle down,
gently on the warped disc.
The scratches scrape sweetly,
loosing Leonard's music.

Gravel’s distinct crafted tremor,
teasing words in empty glasses.
Eyes kissing and blushing red,
lips hugging comfortable ashes.

Sleep of the truest rest for him,
syllables and sounds his insignia.
Going to listen this night away,
stay awake and flip off insomnia.


No Release

No Release

When my words are all fluffed,
and lazily unlikely to follow,
I need the cloud on my mind,
to tug me from the shallows.

Piano and gentle guitar drops,
train my raining thinking swirls.
The parts and screws I've worked,
still loosely bind my rusting world.

Day backs off while still mocking me,
managing equal parts grimace and grin.
Lines drawn down and out of my places,
straight in my middle and off the fringe.

Way away and it's work getting home,
the commute cures notions of relief.
Imagined comforts too dusted to see,
arrival of the someone with no release.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

Mountain’s cold glittered purified highs.
Pollen flecks bedeck valley’s warm eyes.
Lake’s idle waters waving time astray.
Ocean’s currents riposte in swordplay.

Unrest inserts ignoble abuses,
civil drovers deepen olden bruises.
Rarefied ideals vilified by device,
convinced liberties demand a sacrifice.

Rapturous dizzying games of passion,
a heart fulfilled leaves the other ashen.
Enthralled grandeur of true love's soul,
ties a bow of bliss onto lover's stroll.

All the rough and smoothest recesses,
places guarded and faces on the edges,
give words and phrases power to cascade.
This happenstance seems wonderfully made.


Highs Then Low

Friday, November 4, 2016

Prized Possession

Prized Possession

In a dark designated place,
longing under chains and locks.
Kept from many caring handlers,
barricaded by looted blocks.

Withdrawn and wary of any light,
very rarely exposed to lively sight.
Atrophy’s next appointment made,
this interview will incur dismay.

An awful heart offers no druthers,
devoid of devotion and its wonders.
Failed safeties foster no egression,
prized item, a burdensome possession.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

23 word story "Final Day...(of Lonesome) @herheartpoetry

Kiss Her

Kiss Her

I yearn to kiss Her,
kindle Her caramel lips.
Feel Her stretch for my,
hearty lip licking sips.

Kiss Her, swing Her chimes.
Kiss Her, and mollify Time.


Why So Nice

Why So Nice

Ministrations that maintain joy
   can practice a modest self respect
Slights will starve upon true regard
Silhouettes drawn with like aspect

Hope is constantly cleaning rooms
Its doors open to window’s breeze
Shelter’s varied merits are prized
Unfortunate some carry no keys

Pure eyes stare into sullen skies
walking to learn for wished escape
Keening whine rends another light
elders cry, dusting a small shape

“Why so nice?” in such unquiet a place
questioned by a new acquaintance
In wonder of this sedate politeness
good outweighs the bad in patience

“Why so nice?”, in a world so spun
In every morning there's joy to bask
Every corner can be enlightened
Encourage self respect’s cogent task





Sorrow cut his caring need,
of details in life’s energy.
The garish fairy glamour,
and florid jaunty manners.

He's sauntered in those halls,
shopped all bedecked stalls.
Twirled and unfurled skies,
giggled whys, lustered sighs.

Then Life cracked open its black,
poured dose soaked him slack.
Mind’s motion chained tight,
gagged vigor, no gasp of fight.

Sold his love for all he owned,
rotted purchase of stale bones.
Downed eyes witness sour decay,
bound and reblinded every day.


9 word story @breath_words

Subtle subdivisions,
sob in my soul,
bereft of pleasance.

I Looked Up at The Sky

I Looked Up at The Sky

I looked up at the sky,
well, I gave it a good try.
Seems my neck won't bend,
quite as much as I'd intend.
So I tried turning my frame,
and found my muscles lame.
Seemed in each foiled attempt,
eyes held the sky in contempt.
They refused to gaze upward,
a force entailed some rupture.

In my shadow my sight alights,
cast down from Sky’s heights.
Focus and balance staked aground,
goals and promises wound down.


Hallowed Spaces

Hallowed Spaces

These places grow overseen
Aura’s song is Familiarity
Placid’s geography long gone
To Silence I grovelling fawn
Search her darkened peace
Finding and take her release
She’ll hunt and fail to kill me
While I drink up her obscurity
I Spilled my worthless graces
Hungover in hallowed spaces


Why I Write

time warp - haiku

time warp - haiku

no clock nor watch may
gauge the time warp of dismay
heartbreak’s stark decay


The Air

The Air

The air adorning Her is refined,
closest, just coveting Her skin.
Cooing, it curls as lazy honey.
Molecules blush near Her grin.

This blur of edenic softness,
silk hugging worn flannel bliss.
Her serenity shrugs the flawless.
Idyllic airs groan in Her kiss.


Flickers and Flames

Flickers and Flames

Fireside dust supports more than my weight,

lean back buttressed on arms gently straight.

Moody for night’s sky, fire braids out its line,

seared yellow candle strips bend and shine.

Orange whip lasso gripped by Red’s sprite,

fire’s sacred fuel crackling pop in delight.

Giddy flares wiggle twirling in heat’s sigh,

fade on canvas of Milky’s wayward sky.

Crisp wish soaked winks applaud in flickers,

and flames blush as a new fuel frees more cinders.


Thicker Than Blood

Thicker Than Blood

The breath I am required to take,
is woven with a tired humble ache.
Once drawn my pollution intrudes,
menacing my air with crass platitudes.
Supposed refreshing this atomic draft,
seeps deep begins its congealed craft.
Fears and guilts diffuse my humidity,
adding density to my breath’s quiddity.
Exhaled substance burdened by stains,
cold fog thicker than blood in my veins.


Big Blue Prose are you? I know sometimes when I'm sloshing and plodding in my harbor of woe, I only want my own sail overhead high above. I look into those rising, and receding heights of waves, and only want the ones that leave to tug me away. I know then that they will, in their own time, place my being back into one of those lifted, cresting waves.
     If You follow those tides, You will see those blurry blued depths and there see a brilliant lazy loafing fish. Its eyes as yellow as the Sun warming the darling waters.   Understand, in those depths, Your depths, there is buoyant vibrancy. It only waits for Your patience again. Partner Your perseverance with the tiny hands that reach out from the corals, as you clasp them, and caress their pink parachute fingers. Your visions of the world You carry, Your world, they will watch as they sensate in Your touch. 
     Will You hear the Dolphins?
Experience tells me, that's up to them.  You know how crafty, and wise they seem,  especially when saying Your first hello. Their slippery smiles will widen Your spirit and lift Your senses like children's balloons.
     Then, not wanting to notice, and never accept, You will have surfaced.  Silver blue melted sheets will slake the ocean’s thirst of You, as they make You,  into You again. The creatures belong below, and they make their way.
     You, however, can visit and wet Your mind, or remain.  If the choice be a visit, divide yourself.  Your division may dive down, twist in that hovered blue dimension and become one of those who think they know,  “It’s much better down there.”

9 word story @herheartpoetry prompt

All my words;
written, unwritten,
spoken, unspoken,
are Yours.

Don't Ask Why

Don't Ask Why

Such admixture are these tears,
spoiled stuff for my distiller.
Fear stained rage salted crystals,
ground by this lonesome miller.

The crude drink my heart imbibes
and turned gruel my tears supply.
Serve as my constant meal,
I'm rarely hungry, don't ask why.




Wet buttons and oval dab trail,
drop onto refuse of dust’s space.
Arcs and waves upon floor paved,
color licks on concrete’s rough face.

Warning flares on the bright white,
taught, tied, and tormented in place.
Drip, drip and steps repeat that beat,
Closure comes into victim’s embrace.

Vehement slashes of vented release,
strikes remake and scarlet is branded.
The Artist’s bristles flaming on canvas,
Her favorite paint coats her red handed.


Elfchen @twani.v "how?"

I'll explain.
It's like this,
I disguise this frown,


Midnights and Melancholy

Midnights and Melancholy

There reside the “empty” places,
claim those holding smiling faces.
Who dismiss the deep quietude,
held precious by any who brood.

Stand on high and take out your day,
herald that brightness be life's way.
Too Blind to count, or darkness see,
Our midnights and melancholy.