Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Night City's Ocean - sonnet

The Night City's Ocean - sonnet

The night so lulls the day with her dark breath,
her kiss ensorcelling her new moon tryst.
Her void above the world endears such depth,
few stars dare shine beyond city's bright mist.

Between deep night and darkened seas reside,
grand nightlights so directing city's ways.
The gently strung suns and full moon pole guides,
leave gifts for the sea's parched shimmering waves.

The pendulum of ocean's soft romance,
shines bright small glitters up into the night.
The ocean twirls in city's cosmic dance,
lithe little skirts flash silver in delight.

All three, the night, city and sea the same,
humanity seems unlikely to tame.


#14wordstory oblivion

Oblivion's gentle singing
of serenity,
offers dreamland forgetfulness.
Within those borders crawls,
uninspiring emptiness.



Wistful goodbye weather,
rains dark desolation,
upon Hello’s sunny forever.


Cracked - Haiku

cracked - haiku

ringing once then cracked
like freedom's delicate shell
feigned liberty bells


#watchgeek #haiku

#parch #precarious #haiku

Santa Ornament

Santa Ornament

Bright Little face so focused,
tongue tightened with teeth.
Placing a Santa ornament,
trying to hang it so neat.

Branch tickles little fingers,
with dangled figure delight.
Smiling lit up stary eyes,
a tree's magic comes alive.

Ornaments smile in view,
of laughs with kindred love.
The colors in happy crystals,
grin with tinsel silver fluff.

Light string twinkle kisses,
blow tickles across the room.
Tree's boughs hug them all,
in season's freshened bloom.

Child's eye caught surprise,
by wide smiling Santa's face.
Finger to lips hushing quiet,
child and Santa's smiles embrace.



#loveletter @lecosymittens



Volatile vacuum vacates,
vulgar vagaries victoriously.
Venal vestiges vetting,
vile volunteers violently.
Verifying veracity vowing,
volcanic vandalized vehemence.
Vacated victims vanquished,
vulgarly voided vim vitalities.
Victor vociferously voices,
verdict's validity voluminously.


#limerence @thangbalay

Luscious - redo


As her own blanket,
he offers his soul.
So safe and candid,
she cuddles to hold.

He breathes comfort,
in her calm breath.
Cradled sleepy covers,
strong spirits caress.

Eyes open on dreams,
joy of seeing her sleep.
She's desire’s spring,
in crisp winter's peace.

Safety’s fond promise,
he's midnight’s guard.
Keeps morning honest,
and bows to her heart.

Sun's fresh air grows,
twirling on her lustrous.
Touch kisses her brow,
She's stretches luscious.

In her eyes fastened,
He's her stronger form.
Dawn's bloom of passion,
With the other adorned.


Joyful Seasons @herheartpoetry secretigsanta

#shutter #tether #paradox #haiku

The Horizon and You

The Horizon and You

A new untrod surface to walk on,
and you'll carve your own way.
The branches will lead you to the shore,
where waves will paint new leaves from foam.
The Sun's shine in waters will nourish new growth,
so the gulls overhead call a new dawning way.
The clouds bring you up and wrap blankets over your mind,
to unfurl when the Sun's roots take hold.
It's where trees grow strong in the ocean's sand,
this place is the horizon and you holding hands.


Honest Answer

Honest Answer - sonnet

Will this be wise, I ponder and debate,
begin creation of a brave new place.
A new locale I deftly recreate,
replacing a cobweb enlaced old space.

The rarest goods lend strength to slats and joists,
like peelings from the poor cast of my eyes,
some syllables torn free from words unvoiced,
and lustre from kisses I've never tried.

This new residence for healing seems fine,
it's peace and quiet with no squeak of floor.
The window's view offers only my mind,
and the question why must I suffer more.

The honest answer is as cold as me,
I'll suffer only if I fail to see.


Let's Run

Let's Run

Let's run with dirt licking strides,
taking dried spittle as our tithe.
We'll pay the Sun frying the earth,
keeping gift receipts for cloudbursts.

Let's run sprints on branch pathways,
polished slick by cloud ateliers.
Pass tree crossroads and turn around,
downhill past cursed roundabouts.

Let's run past much faster this time,
hurdle the grasping concrete vines.
Dervish footfalls are spin enthralled,
this speed burns off our old default.

Let's run some more some yonder day,
mayhap we'll find a younger place.
Now let's taste the dust we've raised,
turn our watches to the time we crave.


Big Blue Prose are you? I know sometimes when I'm sloshing and plodding in my harbor of woe, I only want my own sail overhead high above. I look into those rising, and receding heights of waves, and only want the ones that leave to tug me away. I know then that they will, in their own time, place my being back into one of those lifted, cresting waves.
     If You follow those tides, You will see those blurry blued depths and there see a brilliant lazy loafing fish. Its eyes as yellow as the Sun warming the darling waters.   Understand, in those depths, Your depths, there is buoyant vibrancy. It only waits for Your patience again. Partner Your perseverance with the tiny hands that reach out from the corals, as you clasp them, and caress their pink parachute fingers. Your visions of the world You carry, Your world, they will watch as they sensate in Your touch. 
     Will You hear the Dolphins?
Experience tells me, that's up to them.  You know how crafty, and wise they seem,  especially when saying Your first hello. Their slippery smiles will widen Your spirit and lift Your senses like children's balloons.
     Then, not wanting to notice, and never accept, You will have surfaced.  Silver blue melted sheets will slake the ocean’s thirst of You, as they make You,  into You again. The creatures belong below, and they make their way.
     You, however, can visit and wet Your mind, or remain.  If the choice be a visit, divide yourself.  Your division may dive down, twist in that hovered blue dimension and become one of those who think they know,  “It’s much better down there.”

#sedoka @herheartpoetry

#craving #forgiveness #bound #haiku

Little Flower

Little Flower

Dainty smiles with hopping gait,
and giggling eyes whoop surprise,
when winged rainbow tickles a nose,
as eyes cross and eyebrows rise.

The fairy winged vibrant fantasy,
lands lolling on her flower's face,
as a child delights in gentle touch,
and wings woven iridescent lace.

Butterfly's tiny black pearly eyes,
see red petal soft ruddy cheeks,
and freckled nutmeg pollen flakes.
Eyes gleam as the nectar she seeks.

Child's gleeful sugar drop sight,
alights on curious curled tongue,
unspooling in soft tasting tickles.
A butterfly kiss for the young.

Breeze fingers toss the child's hair,
butterfly glitters off with its fill,
of sweets of youth and salts of life.
Little Flower becalmed within thrill.


No Place

No Place

I may unearth a place,
rich with unspent grace,
not revealed by shadow,
but by a sun left fallow.

Trekking foreign lucid lands,
earned many smoldering brands.
Incised emblems on my heart,
are translations I won't impart.

The gracious language of that place,
locked unlearned under my face.
To shadow’s will, I will concede,
despite sun's, richness of deed.




Strained able arms are stressing,
against trembled tingle pressing.
Moist palms grasping small slides,
of endless little bloody glides.
Hand's wet paper flapping wounds,
are petals with crimson blooms.
Punishing pain lapps up vigor,
turning off brain's lithe trigger.

Thoughts gasp beneath a weight,
from old emotion's bleak state,
and shackled so deeply away,
to be ignored as less than prey.
Attacked after bound and blind,
as vile beasts feast in the mind,
on crude food left for survival,
after devouring the slack rival.

Muscle strands split and sprung,
as tendons snap frayed unstrung.
Anxious heels dig and scratching,
with no frantic purchase catching.
Slick gored hold suddenly slips,
unfrictioned by reddened drips,
Fall in a beat down untold feet,
as staccato echo screams repeat.

Lost wide eyes of bulging fears,
that terrified runaway tears,
burn dry down this solo plummet,
to splendor’s opposite summit.
Lungs ooze a bubbled howling,
as lips grind wall’s rough scowling.
Despair's cacophonic sound,
ricochets forever with no ground.


Somebody Told Me

Somebody Told Me ...

Somebody told me, and warned me,
“Never turn your back to an ocean.”
The shore soothes with pretend peace,
that waters wash in artless motion.

Its waves kiss from a distant surge,
then wet lips frown in sad recoil.
Gifts pushed into hands at high tide,
can be deep secrets from the soil.

Chests of memory may be drowned,
or floated far off to secluded stay.
Hold hands with oblivion's domain,
or embrace smiling surface of day.

When I am before the ocean's waves,
the pulsing is the flood in my heart.
Freshening old thoughts that return,
mixed with wisdom's emotional part.

I focus on the billowing motion,
careful to sense the rhythm below.
Prepared to drift on calm sunlit tides,
or stand strong in ocean's deep flow.


Collab @_beautiful_magic_


#gift#haiku @bymepoetry

Collab Charlie Brown Writes

#forever #18wordstory

#romance #18word story

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Win

The Win

Stale yellow fumed long cones of light,
bare down upon untitled fight.
Bruisers bake under grease pencil bets,
weight class pummels out all regrets.

Bell dings and brings them to ring’s apron,
team's chief shaking eyes of closest patron.
Cold towel wrung red in icy bowl,
laps at their blood playing its role.

One fighter wears split apple sized eye,
the other sweats a win in by and by.
They arise panting and ref's hand  stops,
old blood brown stains see fresh red drops.

Ref's hand up and bell brands the ears,
one bruiser turns pugilist jabbing spears.
An unplanned right hook shakes a jaw,
unswollen face slackens and eyes thaw.

Closest patron rages at turned event,
winnings foiled and underworld deal rent.
Arms high and his bloody smile a smite,
one eyed pugilist wins his final fight.


Image prompt @rational.madness

Their shackled minds,
traditional and new,
carve despicable trenches,
between me and you.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Go, please

Go, please

I hope you venture outside,
find that more upon the shore.
Now's weather call is welcoming,
yet later's rain will weep some more.

There are waves to pulse to,
and all the world's debris to see.
Little surprises will contrast in you,
with the sadness you still want to be.

Open up the Sun's fall breeze,
let it embrace your heart's hand.
Senses warm with reality's release,
so go, Melissa, smile upon your land.


Abstractly, A Sliver of Me

Abstractly, A Sliver of Me

A soliloquy whispering among friends,
crumbling snow drift defying summer skies.
High desert sleepwalker tucked in tight,
Metropolis novice of half naked eyes.

Trails of far off forest hugged silence,
Morning smoke campfire coffee's brisk sip.
Falling down the cliff of poetry's trials,
Detachment's poison stings a hearty quip.


Solace and Vibe

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sea's Night Waves

Sea's Night Waves

Look upon the sea's night waves,
reflecting the charms we look for.
Mindful of the world we interpret,
from the beauty of this foaming shore.

See all of it and be overwhelmed,
or find that one strong glimmer.
Blow to it your lost lover's kiss,
as notes of nostalgia ebb dimmer.

We express that which breaks us,
as sea's waves mend rather than rust.


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Unseen Layer

Unseen Layer

Cannonball steps batter the walls,
trees tremble hailing debris down.
Stones smashed dust fills the pitfalls,
halocline hall fills sky to ground.

Focus disentangles diurnal vine,
mute hike as opulent purveyor.
Indrawn sun sets silver cloud's shine,
restless to remain in unseen layer.




The destruction of a devoted heart,
sends pain wave tremors spiraling.
A sharpened mist grinds every part,
unanswered questions start rioting.

Blasted debris spears everywhere,
stabbing deep what was finely right,
gores holes through thoughts of care,
slashes blood into the eyes of light.

Wounds press bleakness into a soul,
joyous days bleed maligned drops.
Bandages wrung red in rusted bowl.
Healing and solace seem flimsy props.

The ruptured displacing torn sprains,
quietly cure under tincture of tears.
A reviving heart wearily sustains,
ruined grins until the tempest clears.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Her Heart Poetry writing prompt

She's fashioned from elysian birds,
tranquil spirit of alluring lore.
She stands poised and flows upwards,
Zephyr kissing Her wings to explore.

Her myriad wings She flies as one,
soaring high above a wistful dawn.
Her wisdoms drift under warming Sun,
sweetly listen before She's withdrawn.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Bottle of Love / 18 word story / 9 words twice

Tryptophan Verse

Tryptophan Verse

Home steeps in aromas of autumn,
ambrosial quilt assures snug oven love.
Sweater helping day's gray cast soften,
each room held tender in family's glove.

Butter’s warm silk drawn in detailed seams,
in stuffing’s livened soft celery crunch,
on potatoes pondering gravy dreams,
and cavorts with corn of sweet Sun's hunch.

Turkey stoically settles before all,
succulent portions on paraded feast.
Juices, eggnog and dram of alcohol,
becalmed by yearly festival’s release.

-Happy Thanksgiving-

Teresa's Brick Oven Pizza & Cafe / organized Chaos

Teresa's Brick Oven Pizza & Cafe

Sidewalk highway rush on 51st,
same before me, similar after.
Lunch jam traffic braking is terse,
allowed time is attitude’s drafter.

Up to counter and catch some eyes,
“Who's next?!”, in quick nodding looks.
Wisdom marks the first without lines,
new order onto these knowing cooks.

“Next!”, hot slice needs little patience,
race to office with minor time loss.
Tomorrow’s drone, a similar cadence,
practiced prancing of organized chaos.


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Feather Fall

Feather Fall

Lust and lusciousness.
That smile slakes my edge.
Wild eyes whet my blade.
We feather fall over ledge.




Open smiles on eyes during day,
closed hardened heart the next night.
Laughs lead passion in unfair play,
basking in dark and braying at light.


Friday, November 18, 2016

8 word love letter @herheartpoetry

Anywhere We awake,
there'll be smiles,
for breakfast.


Touch of Sunlight

Touch of Sunlight

Have You kissed Her touch of sunlight,
redolent within beautiful trees.
The sweetness of delicate promises,
from delicious unripened berries.

She's brightness smiling under cover,
snuggle close and giggle with her lover.
Asleep under his red leaves and brambles,
She'll love his and plan her own scandals.

Time grinds away with Its overworking gears,
Her moments blossom enriching our years.
In icy sparkling frozen water’s song,
Spring’s touch of sunlight will sing along.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Unkept

The Unkept

Blasted stones hold burden’s crown
stoically stained by vile trappings
Mortar hardened by sorrow’s sap
Fingers scream in window tappings

Their eyes wet from widened fissures
decrepit humors blamed into drains
Sallow old scenes wrapped roof to floor
The Unkept limping in sordid shames

Laughter slung into dark corners
sobbing silence pushes the clocks
Wandering the standing still crowd
drag old bagged bones to the docks

Unhomely space left no true trace
its doors stoutly withstood scrutiny
Thoughts slain by nerve cutting pain
unfit for planned unheld mutiny

Victims scattered among our grasses
persons emptied by dark deed’s lashes

Feared and misused poor beings erased
true science shines above the debased


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

w's - haiku

w’s - haiku

wild wonders we weave
writing wicked winding words
writers weigh world's ways




Fog blossoms seep from soil.
Mist dust shrouds the eyes.
Morning river’s smug slate oil.
Dank air is heedless to cries.

City air pushing buildings apart,
making more room for its weight.
Wetted scenes a gallery of art,
lights off and locked beyond gate.

Steps I take tap my median way.
Anchored fast from cranial cavity.
Head bowed by this diffused day.
My will groans wearing my gravity.


My Plague

My Plague

Should I ever sever this,
outside of my deep sleep?
Am I worthy of this risk,
traversing unclean dreams?

Calm comforts make my quiets,
precious ease signs my pardons.
Reclining on the gentle climates,
in My Plague of partial seasons.

Want tempest twister’s high heat,
rains spill steam over my drainage.
Winds tumble down desire’s dreams,
debris regrets words my pain says.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Cemetery Secrets

Cemetery Secrets

She's safe under a tender night,
Her cemetery secrets aground.
Cuddles alone in Moon’s sight,
on cold grass Her rest is sound.

Sleep for Her is temporal,
its fond love of Her unique.
Dreaming smile is ephemeral,
Her Love cuddles in Death’s sheets.

His love and caring happy ways,
paled Her shadow with His Sun.
She never marked down their days,
no tally needed for They had won.

Smiles woven in Their burdens,
Knowing each held up Their world.
His Sun set by partisan curtains,
burned by nations’ flags unfurled.

Her cold days altered into nights,
dreams dawn His love warmed Sun.
Her sleeping heart in smiling heights,
curled on the grass of Her Loved One.


Friday, November 11, 2016



Let the worn needle down,
gently on the warped disc.
The scratches scrape sweetly,
loosing Leonard's music.

Gravel’s distinct crafted tremor,
teasing words in empty glasses.
Eyes kissing and blushing red,
lips hugging comfortable ashes.

Sleep of the truest rest for him,
syllables and sounds his insignia.
Going to listen this night away,
stay awake and flip off insomnia.


No Release

No Release

When my words are all fluffed,
and lazily unlikely to follow,
I need the cloud on my mind,
to tug me from the shallows.

Piano and gentle guitar drops,
train my raining thinking swirls.
The parts and screws I've worked,
still loosely bind my rusting world.

Day backs off while still mocking me,
managing equal parts grimace and grin.
Lines drawn down and out of my places,
straight in my middle and off the fringe.

Way away and it's work getting home,
the commute cures notions of relief.
Imagined comforts too dusted to see,
arrival of the someone with no release.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

Mountain’s cold glittered purified highs.
Pollen flecks bedeck valley’s warm eyes.
Lake’s idle waters waving time astray.
Ocean’s currents riposte in swordplay.

Unrest inserts ignoble abuses,
civil drovers deepen olden bruises.
Rarefied ideals vilified by device,
convinced liberties demand a sacrifice.

Rapturous dizzying games of passion,
a heart fulfilled leaves the other ashen.
Enthralled grandeur of true love's soul,
ties a bow of bliss onto lover's stroll.

All the rough and smoothest recesses,
places guarded and faces on the edges,
give words and phrases power to cascade.
This happenstance seems wonderfully made.


Highs Then Low

Friday, November 4, 2016

Prized Possession

Prized Possession

In a dark designated place,
longing under chains and locks.
Kept from many caring handlers,
barricaded by looted blocks.

Withdrawn and wary of any light,
very rarely exposed to lively sight.
Atrophy’s next appointment made,
this interview will incur dismay.

An awful heart offers no druthers,
devoid of devotion and its wonders.
Failed safeties foster no egression,
prized item, a burdensome possession.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

23 word story "Final Day...(of Lonesome) @herheartpoetry

Kiss Her

Kiss Her

I yearn to kiss Her,
kindle Her caramel lips.
Feel Her stretch for my,
hearty lip licking sips.

Kiss Her, swing Her chimes.
Kiss Her, and mollify Time.


Why So Nice

Why So Nice

Ministrations that maintain joy
   can practice a modest self respect
Slights will starve upon true regard
Silhouettes drawn with like aspect

Hope is constantly cleaning rooms
Its doors open to window’s breeze
Shelter’s varied merits are prized
Unfortunate some carry no keys

Pure eyes stare into sullen skies
walking to learn for wished escape
Keening whine rends another light
elders cry, dusting a small shape

“Why so nice?” in such unquiet a place
questioned by a new acquaintance
In wonder of this sedate politeness
good outweighs the bad in patience

“Why so nice?”, in a world so spun
In every morning there's joy to bask
Every corner can be enlightened
Encourage self respect’s cogent task





Sorrow cut his caring need,
of details in life’s energy.
The garish fairy glamour,
and florid jaunty manners.

He's sauntered in those halls,
shopped all bedecked stalls.
Twirled and unfurled skies,
giggled whys, lustered sighs.

Then Life cracked open its black,
poured dose soaked him slack.
Mind’s motion chained tight,
gagged vigor, no gasp of fight.

Sold his love for all he owned,
rotted purchase of stale bones.
Downed eyes witness sour decay,
bound and reblinded every day.


9 word story @breath_words

Subtle subdivisions,
sob in my soul,
bereft of pleasance.

I Looked Up at The Sky

I Looked Up at The Sky

I looked up at the sky,
well, I gave it a good try.
Seems my neck won't bend,
quite as much as I'd intend.
So I tried turning my frame,
and found my muscles lame.
Seemed in each foiled attempt,
eyes held the sky in contempt.
They refused to gaze upward,
a force entailed some rupture.

In my shadow my sight alights,
cast down from Sky’s heights.
Focus and balance staked aground,
goals and promises wound down.


Hallowed Spaces

Hallowed Spaces

These places grow overseen
Aura’s song is Familiarity
Placid’s geography long gone
To Silence I grovelling fawn
Search her darkened peace
Finding and take her release
She’ll hunt and fail to kill me
While I drink up her obscurity
I Spilled my worthless graces
Hungover in hallowed spaces


Why I Write

time warp - haiku

time warp - haiku

no clock nor watch may
gauge the time warp of dismay
heartbreak’s stark decay


The Air

The Air

The air adorning Her is refined,
closest, just coveting Her skin.
Cooing, it curls as lazy honey.
Molecules blush near Her grin.

This blur of edenic softness,
silk hugging worn flannel bliss.
Her serenity shrugs the flawless.
Idyllic airs groan in Her kiss.


Flickers and Flames

Flickers and Flames

Fireside dust supports more than my weight,

lean back buttressed on arms gently straight.

Moody for night’s sky, fire braids out its line,

seared yellow candle strips bend and shine.

Orange whip lasso gripped by Red’s sprite,

fire’s sacred fuel crackling pop in delight.

Giddy flares wiggle twirling in heat’s sigh,

fade on canvas of Milky’s wayward sky.

Crisp wish soaked winks applaud in flickers,

and flames blush as a new fuel frees more cinders.


Thicker Than Blood

Thicker Than Blood

The breath I am required to take,
is woven with a tired humble ache.
Once drawn my pollution intrudes,
menacing my air with crass platitudes.
Supposed refreshing this atomic draft,
seeps deep begins its congealed craft.
Fears and guilts diffuse my humidity,
adding density to my breath’s quiddity.
Exhaled substance burdened by stains,
cold fog thicker than blood in my veins.


Big Blue Prose are you? I know sometimes when I'm sloshing and plodding in my harbor of woe, I only want my own sail overhead high above. I look into those rising, and receding heights of waves, and only want the ones that leave to tug me away. I know then that they will, in their own time, place my being back into one of those lifted, cresting waves.
     If You follow those tides, You will see those blurry blued depths and there see a brilliant lazy loafing fish. Its eyes as yellow as the Sun warming the darling waters.   Understand, in those depths, Your depths, there is buoyant vibrancy. It only waits for Your patience again. Partner Your perseverance with the tiny hands that reach out from the corals, as you clasp them, and caress their pink parachute fingers. Your visions of the world You carry, Your world, they will watch as they sensate in Your touch. 
     Will You hear the Dolphins?
Experience tells me, that's up to them.  You know how crafty, and wise they seem,  especially when saying Your first hello. Their slippery smiles will widen Your spirit and lift Your senses like children's balloons.
     Then, not wanting to notice, and never accept, You will have surfaced.  Silver blue melted sheets will slake the ocean’s thirst of You, as they make You,  into You again. The creatures belong below, and they make their way.
     You, however, can visit and wet Your mind, or remain.  If the choice be a visit, divide yourself.  Your division may dive down, twist in that hovered blue dimension and become one of those who think they know,  “It’s much better down there.”

9 word story @herheartpoetry prompt

All my words;
written, unwritten,
spoken, unspoken,
are Yours.

Don't Ask Why

Don't Ask Why

Such admixture are these tears,
spoiled stuff for my distiller.
Fear stained rage salted crystals,
ground by this lonesome miller.

The crude drink my heart imbibes
and turned gruel my tears supply.
Serve as my constant meal,
I'm rarely hungry, don't ask why.




Wet buttons and oval dab trail,
drop onto refuse of dust’s space.
Arcs and waves upon floor paved,
color licks on concrete’s rough face.

Warning flares on the bright white,
taught, tied, and tormented in place.
Drip, drip and steps repeat that beat,
Closure comes into victim’s embrace.

Vehement slashes of vented release,
strikes remake and scarlet is branded.
The Artist’s bristles flaming on canvas,
Her favorite paint coats her red handed.


Elfchen @twani.v "how?"

I'll explain.
It's like this,
I disguise this frown,


Midnights and Melancholy

Midnights and Melancholy

There reside the “empty” places,
claim those holding smiling faces.
Who dismiss the deep quietude,
held precious by any who brood.

Stand on high and take out your day,
herald that brightness be life's way.
Too Blind to count, or darkness see,
Our midnights and melancholy.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

endless cascades - haiku

endless  cascades - haiku

Time’s apathy streams
we ride the faceted sands
down endless cascades




Instants will reveal the long range,
when pain receives the lowest wage.

Maps show the routes everyone takes,
the scenic road uses the most brakes.

Wall stained masterpieces will stay,
upon barriers if we refuse to play.

Take cards used only in high stakes,
reshuffle with beauty until it aches.

Distance flees what's insurmountable,
when measured by who's accountable.


Alive "Elfchen "

is not,
just simply being.
Simple beings misunderstand all,


An Ode to Goodbyes

An Ode to Goodbyes

As breezes blast tugging away the dreams,
we carried within our baskets of spring. The homemade jellies and delicate creams,
of our sun lathered picnics heart’s will sing.
The times we weave into our threshold’s clothes,
will offer warmth during Winter’s pure nights,
and make these days remain the most we blame.
We hold so high our wide eyes to love's shows,
and never critique any backstage sights,
if we do such, we'll not know goodbye’s shame.


constant craving - haiku

constant craving  - haiku

crazed constant craving
burns bodies bright, light and night
she's pulling me down.




Screwed bars and bolted manacles
Frayed fangs chatter gored shackles
Thrasher tears chapped and cracking
Ichor rage burning acid blackening
Muscles pressing foul bulging soul
Reverb in vehement vexing howl
Odious eyes roll carnage nightmare
Despair creates vile voodoo prayer
To explode then rearrange repair
Slick the friction with violent ire
Morsel ooze merging chunks of gore
Reconstituted from gruesome floor
Stand erect and swing pinions high
nostrils flare foamed by what's alive
Loosed to ravage these living insides
Demonic daydream punctures pride
Talons scrape new frustrated marking
This unfreed revenge wants everything


Rain Shadows

Rain Shadow

Cigarette ash kind of sky
flake free clouds ramify
Waking droplets out of bed
pulling covers time to shed

A tiny hint a gentle assent
into quiet mirthful descent
One of countless purest beads
each craving dearest of needs

Drift the wind and blow a kiss
as ecstasy pairs with soft bliss
Polishing clouds ready each gem
setting storm’s bright diadem

They plummet further for desire
joy twisting what's to transpire
Tremors grow closer to their one
waited for their forever to come

A plunge of final passion’s throw
when drop kisses her rain shadow




Not sure just when,
can't actually recall.
I thought I'd know,
I'm such a screwball!

Was it in that place,
hum, or over there.
I, remember, I think,
I really should care.

To misplace that thing,
always been my, “in vogue.”
Oh wait!, that's right, I forgot!
all my joy has gone rogue.




Moving too slow and so,
the sick air can catch me.
Greased cans of madness,
tumble from my heap.

This tread ruts on concrete,
as holed boots grind teeth.
Your dour wind drool caressed,
a bruised winter wool cheek.

Your whirlwind of desiccated shame,
has love’s trash hung on my name.


Letters and Leaves

Letters and Leaves

Sudden arresting dream,
curves and linear patterns,
are wrote just above the trees.

The spell airs her name,
I know of the magic letters,
and leaves a loft in her scenes.

Step presses mundane terrain,
as collector for demons debtor.
Her name is all I have for dreams.






Restless Stranger

Restless Stranger

My corners scratch uncomfortable,
for strangers to engage in lurking.
To their ignorant, happy benefit,
no one’s seen my strangest working.

Underemployed and rightly morose,
skills never attempted, never honed.
Resting in home’s shadows, reclining,
confident His name will be intoned.

Unwise to assail His vile eagerness,
I smell old bones in his ghastly danger.
Aware of my dread deepest recesses,
and impatience of my restless stranger.


Barely Breathing

Barely Breathing

Emptying void is hollowing veins,
a strenuous pulse in hot hands.
Survival let loose and drips away,
twisting her black pearl strands.

Vampiress smiles in sultry onslaught,
his lungs hoarse and barely breathing.
Her essential victim’s ending flutter,
leaves heart dry and barely beating.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Scorched Earth

Scorched Earth

They came together furiously,
melted each other's deep core.
Entwined in the longest instant,
biting a panting need for more.

The spent slide and rolling apart,
energy consumed of equal worth.
The Moon’s lament, a kiss goodbye,
to amend a sobbing scorched Earth.


Five Years Hence

Five Years Hence

Seclusion’s sinkhole and all its weight,
defects my days and tunnels my sight.
Shoulders turn thickened under duress,
increased my means and killed my ends.

Delved beneath the moon tide stretches,
high water can only impede my methods.
Fluids that back away expose a decay,
held as high as I dare baring my face.

Deep breaths I've taken into my soul,
captured some time and maybe hope.
A smile may dawn it just all depends,
on my Sun’s radiance five years hence.


The walk

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell

The Whole is shelter and sustenance,
in pieces is found weakness of trust.
The certain and understanding soul,
offers no harbor to dichotomy’s goals.

Strides taken with solace in existence,
pass paltry notions with confidence.
Abstracted destinations so much alike,
Heaven and Hell, those ideas, are life.


lying eyes - haiku

lying eyes  - haiku

weeping lying eyes,
manufacture tears for fools.
foolish votes curse US.


Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals

In lazy ways I'll doze,
with sloth letting fungus grow.
Or slide with subtle moves,
as trout in fresh river’s flow.

Tumble rocks and fell trees,
like the bear claims the ground.
Sprint along hurdling ravines,
in elk’s stride and bugle sound.

Charge and snarl, rend and break,
inside wolverine’s dread berserk.
Survey for single strike to make,
patient snake to make short work.

Create some comfort out of sight,
as the squirrel's fur lined nest.
Gaze with knowledge in the night,
as a great eyed owl poised at rest.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Collaboration w/ @Chaosdreamtheory "Picture Lost"



A heart can dissolve,
if the acid be enough.
Their permeating love,
sparkled diamond tough.

Fate allows only one way,
smiles drove into tragedy.
Two hearts, died that day,
Hers free, His dreadfully.

Now wanders as a piece,
His steps well planned.
His caring will not cease,
over other loves banned.

He tends a land of gloom,
silent stones make the crowd.
With shovel, rake and broom,
Ghost of Graves has heart bowed.




There should always be,
fresh flowers around her.
Their silk sliding scent, and,
heady visual liqueur.

Employ all manner of flower,
and so adorn her places.
Prepare to always have more,
flowers perish unlike her graces.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Silence at Sunset

Silence at Sunset

Morning’s lids so slight,
barely wink in Sun’s light.
Brewing up day's release,
steamy mug of night’s peace.

Ignition pushes the day,
momentum is hard at play.
City’s old streetwise prattle,
papers billow, slap and tattle.

Spring sprung and unwinds,
grating crunch of tired minds.
Time delivered by today’s test,
reviews given after night’s rest.

Wayward sounds toned down,
a slow ebbing ghosted town.
Friendly doors make it home,
ready for tomorrow's clone.

Just a sigh for a little grace,
comfort with escape’s embrace.
Silhouette city and Sun in duet,
singing silence at sunset.


The Sphinxling

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Collaboration with @chaosdreamtheory Instagram



Flitting and filigreed
Brittle and buoyed
Favored with floating
Creased with caring
Weathered by weakness
Tethered by treatment
Revolting when rioting
Grand when grateful
Strength given song
Vigor given venom

Meant to make a mansion.
However, our memories,
are out of fashion.


Remember Me

Remember Me

Upwards the ladder creaks,
quick steps raise attic dust.
Drop to knee and open chest,
scattered inside is only rust.

Hurry to hallway into a room,
swiftly slam open closet door.
Clothes flung and rips down shelf,
still no clue even under the floor.

Sprint to the space set for family,
pictures bordered in past joys.
Study faces and framed places,
cherished trinkets and little toys.

This dwelling will give no more,
searched darkness and the light.
His agony bends him to his knees,
ignorance lashes his mind for spite.

He's found no evidence in the debris,
a small, crying whisper, “I can't remember me.”




The pools of her eyes,
are her jungle at night.
Your ship was adrift,
You beached in her sight.

Awoke Her dark jaguar,
He moves in restraint.
Prancing to her order,
She applies her war paint.

You feel so relieved,
safe on verdant ground.
Stand and groan a stretch,
unaware of what's around.

The hunt starts so slowly,
a something out of turn.
Your eyes catch a movement,
dense, deadly, lithe and stern.

Too late to understand,
this paradise is doom.
Your love feeds her land,
blood is oil under moon.

It's better to be so very,
lost at sea,
than destroyed so easily,
and so entirely.


13 word story from instagram

Snuggled within his warm abode, he wraps his blanket around her melting years.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

clandestine - haiku

clandestine - haiku

your wild eyes flutter.
twirl clandestine trails.
crest upon my kiss.


Black Button Holed Heart

Black Button Holed Heart

Dark glistening on oily flesh,
drunk and sick on Hatred’s bile.
Dipped deep into love’s refresh,
deluded by her delicious trial.

Left hooked high in his chest,
leftovers in a mold of trauma.
Lump of heart writhes in protest,
lies licked by Deceit’s madonna.

Drops oozing, staining each organ,
dripping black button holed heart.
Distilled agony a gift from gorgon,
detached mind his one unfouled part.


empty forests - haiku

empty forests - haiku

no breeze nor deer step,
dash in mind's empty forests.
haunted by the calm.


Heart’s Shards

Heart’s Shards

Dripping tired dragging a dire chore,
atmosphere numbed by fool's care.
Limping and laden under lousy days,
on shoulder hangs his burdens’ lair.

Soiled old satchel he settles down,
at Despair’s cliff edge sucking on air.
Opens bag to collect an odd object,
light of hope in a flaming little flare.

Rose hued radiance seeps in release,
charms from a supernova of the heart.
dropping the shard he denies its light,
satchel is tied for chores hardest part.

He hurls his burden howling it into flight,
blank eyes watch his hope eclipsed by the night.


Forgive and Forget

Forgive and Forget

Forgive the leaves their failings,
they're too burdened by regret.
Trees no longer bleed for them,
they hug in piles crying to Forget.


Paint the Sky

Paint the Sky

Fish eye lapis stretched taught,
tacked upon the void’s dark glow.
Variety of visuals crave success,
impatient actors in the coming show.

Slick creamy, buttered yellow,
clamours for its dab in line.
Powder puff ball dusty pink,
on tip toes, desperate to shine.

Crisp campfire popping orange,
fussing forward must be seen.
Scarlet lipped, temptress red,
the pouting coquette reigns supreme.

Prism of extras dapple the cast,
hues and bright linings on standby.
Two shows a day to open and close,
curtains up and down paint the sky.


I ...

I ...

I am the one that was expected,
blended with whatever I seem.
I am the one you'll not notice,
unlikely a find in your dream.

I am my own quiet passerby,
looking in all but your place.
I am my own big headed cloud,
smiling at the rain in my face.

I can be the big smiling buffoon,
slapping sorrow on the shoulder.
I can be the grim menacing goon,
turning away only to smolder.

You, go and look for me anywhere,
you'll not find one single pound.
I'll sit still with my own shadow,
and just write here, on the ground.


Autumn Tears

Autumn Tears

Brisk early fall morning,
warm funnel cake meal.
Awaiting a fiery roar,
in Balloon Fiesta’s field.

Colors and designs billow,
dancing with wind and heat.
Morning’s lips slightly part,
glistening dawn taking seat.

The Balloon Glow commences,
burners ignite in raucous cry.
Autumn tears soon to arise,
crying upside down into the sky.




A friend and I talk inside drink,
time like the fastest of decades.
Entertained with limited space,
laughing at enlightened charades.

What's on my shadowed aves,
is, of course, not on his streets.
Road courses are paved and worn,
best lap times among lost receipts.

Accelerate on the cobbled alleys,
each burned out in our own way.
Scattered in gutters and drainage,
I saw my rain not racing away.


Moments of Madness

Moments of Madness

On many dials of time devices,
are found little moments in paint.
Subdivisions that drain the day,
stand spartan and shrug restraint.

Time escapes in that tick to tock,
draped by bliss and dank sadness.
Straight past, mild now and dull fate,
vibrate with moments of madness.


Distant Daydreams

Distant Daydreams

Shed no rage nor worry,
don't bother your mind.
I'll shoulder all the blame,
you'll see my type of kind.

Closed down the doors,
over shuttered, drawn face.
Venture inside a border,
of fenced off Wonder’s place.

Wading through strong fog,
that weakens at the seams.
To navigate beyond the gate,
on trails of distant daydreams.


Never Let Go

Never Let Go

Thunder’s cracked lips smack,
Gale’s ready whip whirled.
Branches ease into a bend,
autumn flags blow unfurled.

Two lovers under duress,
Make promises on their hill.
Tree cries “Never Let Go!”,
Earth hugs “I Never Will!”


Oh, Marigold

Oh, Marigold

Oh, Marigold, tell me, do others,
look upon you the same.
They've laid you in bunches,
at crafted feet of their stones.
Adorned the grand entrances,
where converts could whisper.
Magicians tutored your petals,
to bring the wit sages sought.
If your arms wrapped at sunrise,
they foretold a wet dark day.
Slender kiss on eyelids closed,
you'd bring fairies out in play.

These variety of dressed fancies,
so many will forever try to seem.
I, however, simply look on beauty,
kissing dew from fresh day’s dream.




Salivation primed by hunger,
Solutions found in Our feast.
Sensations fondled by smiles,
Supination’s pose Our release.
Salubrious motions, You and I,
Symmetrical in give and take.
Sedation comes after the waves,
Summation’s kiss as We quake.




Gone awry with nothing gained,
I am lost and woefully untrained.
Told so often to beware the night,
I heed wisdom and stay in the light.

Yet, there I witnessed this travesty,
that sets my soul upon broken knee.
Rays of hope strewn across the sand,
some are missing carried off in hand.

I will take the rest in wrap and bind,
travel back to the dark I declined.
Set them in sconces along the wall,
lighting the way so no one will fall.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Duality: Power

Duality: Power

Forces in a confident line,
think regarding only space.
Build another secure location,
Rarely is strength cradling grace.

Sunset light strengthens in dust,
as small groups resist disgrace.
This night’s home bent and burnt,
Unwilling to cry in another place.


Duality: Wealth

Duality: Wealth

When gold’s existence,
rains from high skies.
Days and dandy nights,
breathe deeply with sighs.

When nothingness reigns,
with endless, tired whys.
Seconds melt like years,
while an existent cries.


Never Let Go #octoberfalls 10/02/16

Never Let Go

Thunder’s cracked lips smack,
Gale’s ready whip whirled.
Branches ease into a bend,
autumn flags blow unfurled.

Two lovers under duress,
Make promises on their hill.
Tree cries “Never Let Go!”,
Earth hugs “I Never Will!”


Pink Tourmaline #octobersplashesofwords 10/01/16

Pink Tourmaline Shards

Jewels melted in slow ride,
Across a lowered fall sky.

Cream molten orange mango,
and pink tourmaline shards.
Buzzed bee on daffodil yellow,
hot chili pepper kissed hearts.

Candied sights tempt the night,
Daring lovers to shine as bright.


Marigold #octobersplashesofwords 10/02/16

Oh, Marigold

Oh, Marigold, tell me, do others,
look upon you the same.
They've laid you in bunches,
at crafted feet of their stones.
Adorned the grand entrances,
where converts could whisper.
Magicians tutored your petals,
to bring the wit sages sought.
If your arms wrapped at sunrise,
they foretold a wet dark day.
Slender kiss on eyelids closed,
you'd bring fairies out in play.

These variety of dressed fancies,
so many will forever try to seem.
I, however, simply look on beauty,
kissing dew from fresh day’s dream.




Salivation primed by hunger,
Solutions found in Our feast.
Sensations fondled by smiles,
Supination’s pose Our release.
Salubrious motions, You and I,
Symmetrical in give and take.
Sedation comes after the waves,
Summation’s kiss as We quake.


Saturday, October 1, 2016



Gone awry with nothing gained,
I am lost and woefully untrained.
Told so often to beware the night,
I heed wisdom and stay in the light.

Yet, there I witnessed this travesty,
that sets my soul upon broken knee.
Rays of hope strewn across the sand,
some are missing carried off in hand.

I will take the rest in wrap and bind,
travel back to the dark I declined.
Set them in sconces along the wall,
lighting the way so no one will fall.


Rise and Fall #octoberfalls

Rise and Fall

King Umber steals at earthen crown,
His storm an assured ascendancy.
Clasps the sun and chained aground,
blue ice crystal eyes rise, set free.

Queen Burgeon lets fall Her hours,
halts nipping kiss on Sun’s lips.
Her mortals have endearing powers,
thriving from both fellowships.


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Impossible Place

Impossible Place

The place just between,
my heart and my mind,
and my hand with a pen.

That's an area i find,
has my soul crying,
to no peaceful end.

If i could find,
my place within,
that space and go,
without a merry trace.

Off I'd be outside,
myself and hide within,
aching chest and head.
I beg that impossible place!


Adoration’s Weight and Measure

Adoration’s Weight and Measure

Her scales employ weights,
reserved for her lofty use.
Curios like angel’s eyelash,
and ampules of chartreuse.

A diverse cosmos to measure,
She’s a myriad ambient ways.
She assesses her love using,
sunlight’s reflected moon rays.




Drifting through my internal smoke,
deepest breaths unwilling to choke.
Resident’s ash grey and cinder black,
charcoal steps on unrequited track.

A soot silver doorway scarred to last,
I feel fine white embers melt my glass.
Floating on heat haze wetting my eyes,
old furniture flames ignite my disguise.

Books and pictures scorched in pain,
incendiary halo evaporates the rain.
Rooms in my home so recently ablaze,
blood’s fever leaves my brain braised.

Fire burns everything from within,
starts in hope and isn't altered by sin.
Wallpaper shrivels as matter converts,
hot cremation sands my only desserts.

House of my mind in conflagration,
homeless there with me as causation.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Heartbeats happen as earthquakes,
fumbled fury gasping for a fight.
Knuckles smashed like crater shakes,
face flung like molotov in the night.

Fingers in eyes rolling those cysts,
rib cage depressed in tight room.
Worry rides a tide of teeth and fists
jaw shoved til chin touches the moon.

Breath bleats an abused hurricane,
shards and spittle riding this scene.
Pounds of haze ensorcel the brain,
a voice box rips from wetted scream.

Mouth shivering like a fresh wound,
the skin as a trap with no escape.
Muscles spasm and tightly attuned,
cheek bone on asphalt’s cold scrape.

One being only with body's tired cry,
penalized myself and don't know why.




Growing up I wanted,
to be this and that,
and all of those.

Yet, Life can teach,
some to amplify.

Now all I wish,
is to simply be,
the water you drink.




Every syllable is a tear,
cast into puddles of words.
The winds of my storm,
shriek into crooked lines.
The lines clench lightning,
dazed as blasted verse.
The stanzas sorely burn,
the chambers of my heart.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Leaky Heart

The strong pieces,
     were too heavy,
          to carry this morning.

They lie discarded,
    on my closet floor.

This day starts wet,
     and I've a leaky heart,
          that today abhors adorning.


Monday, September 26, 2016

Romantic Notions

Romantic Notions

Growing up carrying,
grand romantic notions,
which blistered into ire.
Now travel is slowed,
by the muck congealed,
deep in this useless mire.


Big Softies

There are those,
    sometimes labeled,
    as big softies.
Soft like cotton,
    and silken sheet,
    or sweet toffees.
More than likely,
    unknown to you,
    He's a kind hearted,
    sweet tasting,
    tall form of goo.


Clear Beatles

Clear Beatles

Here in the dark,
          are careful creatures,
                crawling from clay.
Small and slippery,
          across these temples,
               so unwilling to stay.
These clear beads,
          these gliding beatles,
               they will melt away.




This lack of any tangible input,
has grown outward so gradually.
Time carries smiles holding tears,
unnoticed construction during years.

Soul fell then, but landing just now,
saw the brick and still lost balance.
Walked strongly but I did not expect,
experience to label my heart derelict.

Laid there prone watching ages ago,
intangible things crafting this space.
No angle offers a trusted direction,
echoes repeat my mature dejection.

Encased by bricks placed so deftly,
mortar spun with my heart’s drops.
A dark architect drew mind’s home,
this quiet, stale, cracked, solid alone.


Sunday, September 25, 2016


Her stormy moments,
She wants to share.
He soars too low,
to hear those whispers.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Forest for Trees - Sonnet

Forest for Trees - Sonnet

The peace for some souls inhabits repose,
The space between the trees in wooded park.
Each breath as freshening as the moist rose.
Sloughing debris and carries no hallmark.

The veins in leaves emptied of all their life,
A mind let's go tethers which tie and bind.
Days like leaves must fall away in a sky.
The roots will stay waiting a turn of time.

Serene suspense of ice in winter freeze,
The quiet deepens under fragile snow.
Eventually comes renewals breeze,
Singing again sweet tones for leaves to grow.

Newborn leaves unfurl in ways as before,
Will they learn from the past on forest’s floor?




“Oh, ... you burn…” her lips,
kissing his mouth.
“With you ... as fuel,” his lips,
pressed on hers.
“We’ll consume ... worlds.”




“Do you want me?”  her eyes,
swayed with starlight.
“Again…” begged his,
deeply delirious heart.
Her lips slid close,
carried on carnal eyes.
“Do you want me?”  her breath,
from heat’s tender garden.
He knew then, that his heart,
would survive, “Yes…”


Friday, September 23, 2016



The words I require,
are too far to walk.
My soul's account,
I find overdrawn.
Looks like I'll rest,
here on my shore.
Or, I might earn,
just enough,
sweeping up
my floor.


fall - haiku

fall - haiku

falling mosaics,
life’s honey rusted summer
leaving summer hopes


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Smiling Poet

Smiling Poet

The smile the reader,
may imagine they find,
often on a poet's face.

Invokes a child’s giggle,
all the seasons entwined,
or a sultry steaming place.

A grin that just may be,
the poet’s masqueraded mind,
gagged with sodden lace.




Imbued with stalwart emotion,
host to this hampering curse.
Thoughts prey to its commotion,
cursed value overflows coin purse.

Many a grace in this malediction,
exposure to very pleasant forays.
Broad smiles of contradiction,
Curse and heart concur, each stays.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016



Unseen force with Life’s hard grip,
dragging him through dusty sands.
The path behind choked by hope,
no fight or will tighten torn hands.

Plowed debris churns against him,
piled long before the current course.
Limp and yielding each grain burns,
ferocious vocal challenge is hoarse.

Dragged over loose mummified earth,
suffered thorns, stones, creature things.
Each defilement an old friend of scorn,
punished as he was finding his wings.

Soar supported by romantic formation,
constant view of paradise mountains.
Write and increase life's lovely offering,
water to lips from Smile’s own fountains.

Caress petals and moist kiss in flower,
with curves, hollows, valleys and peaks.
Eyes bright alight and licking the sight,
reside in the joy that high wonder seeks.

Too much mummified sand in the way,
crusts of despair clogging all his senses.
His will gathers another helping of him,
It needs to climb Desire To Live’s fences.

He knows the pulling will be finalized,
sometime along this path’s persistence.
Not disrespectful enough to the gardens,
he will engage a tiny strong resilience.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016



I’ve a blade astir in my brain,
twirling among my grayness.
Pathway cleaved through my neck,
so intense it’s nearly painless.

Barging entry into my shoulders,
banging deflection from bone to bone.
Slicing clamor of echoes in ribcage,
Blade’s blunt legacy in heart’s home.


Noise - haiku

those who must have noise,
may find silence revealing.
peace highlights your mind.



I just read it again,
     that list I must keep.
The one that explains,
     what's roiling my deep.

I found an eraser mark,
     in that place you scribbled.
Oh, I see, it really was you,
     my heart’s edges have been nibbled.


Monday, September 19, 2016


Some women he’s greeted,
     and delighted to know,
          Have a wild that’s softly heated.
Grace and care they bestow.

She is comfort that cajoles,
     smiles and sun in albums,
          the mazy sensuality of souls,
This Feminine amalgam.



Oh, how I'd love,
     to take that,
     Jade paperweight,
     holding darkness’ frown.
Cut, shape and polish,
     warm it up,
     pull into ribbon,
     and spin her a most,
Delightful gown.


Sunday, September 18, 2016



The preeminent thought,
     regarding the grandeur,
Of nearby dynamic places.

Thoughts I’ve not considered,
     since I’m confident  my trace,
Might be tracked to open spaces.




Sleep painting my skull,
     you’ve scrubbed it clean.
Kisses ending our lull,
     tongues lapping cuisine.

Constricted within sheets,
     rumbled whispering Yeses.
Ambient movement heats,
     repose in delirium’s messes.


Saturday, September 17, 2016


Curtain me under your silken hair.
Nights Glitter jewels in your eyes.
Pearls giggle glint of your smile.
That hot spice honey golden skin.

You’re a treasure of lovely,
Any more wealth to show me?


The Road

The Road

The meandering miles are piled up,
blacktop is dense and more scarred.
Halt as truthful witness for the moon,
the luminary signing Midnight’s card.

Burden adheres using familiar grip,
shrug shoulders to let carrying cease.
Settle it on roadside’s dusty spirit,
stand up with joints popping release.

Inhale the night’s true vintage at last,
enervation expands thought and cells.
One with the vista freckled with silver,
able to travel the curves and parallels.

A burden abandoned along the road,
dropped and forgotten not as pollution.
Carved from a life told to be guilty,
left alone easily by honest resolution.




Going to break all these bones,
jumped in my deepest trench.
Inner seeping blackness groans,
torso’s heaves, takes in the stench.

Dragged on sharpness, sliding down,
flayed scalp wearing plight’s face.
Crevasse wind is death’s own sound,
claw marks on walls, a previous trace.

Black ragged glistening is not water,
shed during each past self slaughter.
Stone fists collude with my velocity,
can’t bleed enough for self atrocity.


Too Long

Too Long

Choking upon waking
   breaking dawn’s making
          taking in negativity
   Falling stabs of destiny
       giving almost nothing
Burning all my clothing
          Dying backwards and living
    Floating fluids are stinging
               ripping screams dripping
            Bleeding throat gripping
   sounding depths darkening
                      far too long With No Longing


Friday, September 16, 2016

Pocket Watch

Pocket Watch

A fine old pocket watch,
built with focused regard.
Devised in makers minds,
with affinity to safeguard.
The keepsake in each second,
placed in our cabinet of hours.
Hold firm during daily travel,
Sun and wind or cloudy showers.
Wind up with practiced turns,
lend your energy to usefulness.
Rely within its smooth tension,
defined details are scrupulous.

A watch stops as tension goes astray,
life marks the time and wanders away.


Altered Station

Altered Station

Sometimes I find my location,
pooling out of Time’s vein.
Same train enters altered station,
each stop almost the same.

Comfort glides in my senses,
all evidence proves I’m right.
Reality carries different tenses,
next to me The One highlight.

I ride this train like all the others,
blending every day into bland.
This time keeps careful wonders,
on this train your holding my hand.




Rising sun silhouettes,
The City.
The details are one color,
keeping out any blunder.
I can’t see inside the rising,
You seeing this? I wonder.




Being happy.
A Love to restructure our worlds.
Imagine being again.
Let’s imagine.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

The haze

The Haze

Reading and rethinking,
     words, the shapes and sounds.
Getting lost and not blinking,
     prance in bleeding ups and downs.

Make an abstract existent frown,
     turn daily grace into sullen foam.
Breathe in haze and put it all down,
     find a words cousin and let it roam




This fenced in yard,
is open for a visit.
All gates are unlocked,
and the grounds look clean.

Shrubs can be found,
worn benches for rest.
A pond caring for koi,
Bright blooms and grand tree.

You may find all this,
In day or, if daring, night.
I think the day is best,
It’s horrid without the light.



I wish no,
Too late I fear.
I have missed my chance,
To understand you.


Crosswalks and Flames

Crosswalks and Flames

Crosswalks, dashed and solid lines.
Warnings scare in lights and signs.
Decision limits and legal constraint.
Stolid dictates decorate a saint.

Petrol escapes the pressure gauge.
Torrent pours into potential’s place.
Wrench the keys, bring flames to fuel.
Acceleration races and passions duel.




She is asleep
and cuddling the sheets.
I hope her dreams
think they are me.


Weight and Light

Weight and Light

A soul of depth,
feels every weight.
Units of measure,
are worries and pain.

A soul of depth,
knows smiles and light.
In Depth’s darkness,
are precious sights.




Dreamscapes are,
Hers to wander.
Her smile so soft,
with tender slumber,
and I cannot sleep.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Fellow

The Fellow

Ocean’s dipped brush tints the shore,
salted breeze freshens morning spice.
Steps depress this temporary floor,
pleasantly held in solitude’s vice.

Another strays away onto this beach,
comfort on his driftwood recliner.
I make space and not his impeach,
his aspect is a ragged, poor designer.

My eyes I often offer to other souls,
his arrest mine and make no restraint.
Child like, I recall bridges and trolls,
his smile is healthy in grime’s paint.

“Traveler,  how are ye?”, he offers,
I stumble with, “Well Sir, and Ye?”
Expecting a request from my coffers,
instead, “Ah yes. I’m fine. Look. See.”

His hand from a dank pocket comes,
shimmering coinage of olden gold.
Harried eyes expose my judged sums,
mirth echoes, “Have a seat.” I'm told.

I smile, wanting to do no other thing,
tossing away my upward demeanor.
Beside him trepidations take to wing,
this ragged man is no simple gleaner.

We look upon the other with custom,
hands equality held within respect.
“I’ve a plan?” he says and I trust him,
he grins brightly and carries no jest.

“Plan?” I repeat. His hands in a satchel,
his worked palms bring out a journal.
I inspect the object, loathe to prattle,
its quality and wisdom seem eternal.

“You accept this.” He smiles upon me,
curious I hold his unusual present.
These bound pages heavy in density,
I resist his gift with polite dissent.

He smiles again and I make it mine,
“What in return shall you deem fair?”
“OH, naught a wish.” His eyes shine,
“I simply reward you for your care.”

I smile and move to open the pages,
his hand swiftly and gently denies.
“Take heed. It's as old as the sages.”
Soothingly I act as the fellow implies.

Words alight and drift then repose,
phrases heavy with abstracts of life.
Poetry’s variety and vibrant prose,
find existence from rapture to strife.

Resplendent emotion, cover to cover,
I looked up and he was moving away.
I called out with a need to discover,
What he had done to me and to repay.

I heard his voice beyond my new ears,
“Life is words in amazing arrangement.
Write them down through all your years.
A warning though, they offer estrangement.”


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Smiles - Haiku

Smiles – Haiku

Ugly is in me,
Covered by so many these smiles
Need to keep smiling


Edge - Haiku

canyon’s edge smiles wide.
its hunger barely sated.
again, I just look.


Love is

Love Is...

Love is,
The Universe with
A coy grin and
a subtle wink,
“I dare You.”




Veins emptied and tied,
     used against him as a gag.
Bones hollow and dried,
     all useless like what he had.

Blood reduced into a salve,
     trinkets are hung from eyes.
Emptied, dried out and sag,
     whole thing stuffed with rice.

A cairn demarks entry door,
     steins pressed from used bone.
Seats open on couch and a floor,
     discuss him stuffed on his throne.


Monday, September 12, 2016

Mesa Home

Mesa Home

High atop southwestern mesa,
     trails of silence barter chance.
Sky painted on fired clay vessel,
     shadows fight, make up, dance.

Incense wrapped in Time’s feathers,
     sage cinders pursue stars at play.
Describing places old gods recline,
     circular breath reshapes my clay.

Galaxy divides clusters left to right,
     either side can unravel this night.
Destiny written with charred wood,
     on that, my place, I wish I stood.




This happy face,
is held with Velcro.
It's done rather well,
I doubt you'd know.

If it slips, please,
show some heart,
and gently press down
the loosened part.




It all works best,
when strung up by,
hooks and wires.
If taught and twitching,
the flow is less fickle.
Viscous deep drips,
emotion’s wrung trickle.
Parched paper sips.


Sunday, September 11, 2016



I am fine. Yeah, I’m good.
No worries, I’m okay.
Let four letter words,
have their way.
Well, f@#k that s%&t!!
If I may.


Little Else

Little Else

Glad that a heart,
pumps life’s blood.
Seems needed for,
little else.


Deviant Math

Deviant Math

Dragon’s scales tint her lips,
foolish beast relied on quips.
Fetid revenants litter her path,
miscalculating her deviant math.

Smile roasted in nutmeg morning,
candy ocean eyes belie warning.
Martyrs howl her veracity,
avarice dents preys’ sagacity.

Midnight breathes with shivered heat,
desires embolden passion’s conceit.
Blind and willing within her game,
gasping in loss to sacrificed shame.

Moments tremble as time suspends,
masterpiece chiseled with no amends.
His focus of being reduced to her one,
she’s gone next morn, feasting done.